

How to Turn Around Dread of a Holiday Weekend (esp. in the face of divorce, breakup, loss)

NO MATTER WHAT Challenges You are Facing as you go into the weekend, no matter who is there — or not there — for you… it’s radically life-changing to know the HOW of falling in love with being there with, by, and for yourself.

And if you don’t know how, that’s cool. I didn’t used to either!

I have a self-evolution solution for you. XOX

FIRST CALL TO ACTION: Hold Yourself and Watch video above!!
SECOND CALL TO ACTION: See P.S. and email me.


“ANXIETY SOBRIETY” means not becoming more addicted to your own emotional chemicals. You become alert to the 5 kinds of thoughts that are akin to picking up a drink or a donut! Old knee-jerk reactions fall away once you know how to use the Symmetry in whatever upsets as an efficient and 100% reliable path to peace. I’ll be posting videos daily that break down the pivotal shifts and coping strategies I’ve spent of The NO-MATTER-WHAT Way TM (which incorporates aspects of The Work of Byron Karie) into super helpful, bite-sized exercises. This shortcut to loving life as it comes—via this spiritually and scientifically sound self-evolution has rapidly transformed me and others so rapidly—even after decades of inner work—so I love to share it. Now is a perfect time to learn—or deepen your application of—this fearless win-win way of life fueled by self-love and service. Message me if you want to know more or need support, and share with friends

“I WON’T BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT!” (Anxiety Sobriety Video 2).

As you watch this video about a client unraveling her intense fear of the potential of Marshall Law, notice how it is the way you INTERPRET or assign meaning to what you believe is going to happen—NOT what is actually happening—that ramps up anxiety and reactivity in our bodies, to the point where it can impair vital organs, including our lungs.

As we lead up to the Coronavirus “Thought-Sobriety Challenge,” if you want to help yourself, I invite you to notice how the fear you experience and the reactions in your body come from your mind believing a story of the future, like: “I Won’t be able to handle it.”

Listen to this story of a client whose anxiety even creates shortness of breath (that can further scare her into wondering if she is getting sick!). Before we start on the 6 Keys to UN*Conditional Thriving, I want to give you a taste of one part of it, The Work of Byron Katie, as we inquire into my client’s fear: “They are going to take away my peace and freedom!” We see all the ways she already took away her own and others’ peace and freedom—in the here and now; no waiting!— by giving meaning to the “I won’t be able to handle it” projection.

PLEASE SHARE, as these NO-MATTER-WHAT concepts, the shifts you will get, and the work we will do over the next 30 days will become cumulatively life-changing for anyone struggling with anxiety. If you’d like me (or one of my UN*Conditional Connection Coaches) to give you a taste of how this process would work on your own fear or anger-provoking situation, FB message me, email my team at supoort@shawnmahshie.com, or join our Happiness Hacks FB group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ShawnsHappinessHacks/?ref=share!


Here’s a video introducing the Beyond Mindfulness Map, which is one of our Happiness Hacks.


I was in a situation with a person who works for/with me, and our relationship constantly placed me in defensive mode and the need for her acknowledgement of my disappointments in her work. I have been in this situation with her for a few months now…

Login to Your Life: And CAPITALIZE in What's "Wrong"

(with huge savings these next few days)

Clearing the Clutter from your Mind, Home, Heart, Body... THE FORGIVENESS FLIP

Shawn Mahshie gives us a tour of her newly de-cluttered office and of the way the process of questioning the thinking that clutters our minds with projections and fears starts to pay off over time. She discusses how things can get worse before they get better, and that as you stay with the process, surprising readiness to shift old patterns that have cluttered relationships and home and bodies start to shift.

The HOW if Unconditional Prosperity and Becoming the Most Wished for Airbnb in Maryland!

Back from CHINA and Becoming Teachable!

In this teaching video Shawn Mahshie introduces her new Happiness hack with her own example of returning from China.

Happier Selves, Families, Lives: Why Wait? Ways to Get On Board NOW

Shawn Mahshie reflects on the Successes and Warm Supportive Community of “HeartSelves” that has grown up around her retreats, online programs, private coaching, and the premier Mastermind and Mentoring Group, which is enrolling NOW! Grab a time slot with Shawn to learn more or see if you qualify. She even opens it up for direct calls to her for those who are serious at +1-301-785-0545.

Arriving at Thriving...One Act of Self-Love At a Time. Could it Be?

Shawn Mahshie reflects on the Successes and Warm Supportive Community of “HeartSelves” that has grown up around her retreats, online programs, private coaching, and the signature Aligned Action Adventure: A Mastermind and Manifestation Mentoring Experience! Grab a time slot with Shawn to learn more or see if you qualify. She even opens it up for direct calls to her (at +1-301-785-0545) for those who are serious about learning this sciense of reliable resilience, so they can thrive this time — NO MATTER WHAT.

Cosmic Wisdom about Right and Wrong via Siri: A FB LIVE sitting-in traffic video by Shawn Mahshie

Radical Relationship Relief

Let Yourself Fall into Dependable Peace and Inherent Safety this Fall (Oct. 28-30, 2016)

Register here by September 5th and save $100.00! https://www.shawnmahshie.com/2016-fall-waterfront-retreat-in-the-work/ 

Or book a free 20-minute session with me to discuss how you can benefit from it before registering at the bottom of this page: https://www.shawnmahshie.com/contact/


What happens when you face adversity? Do you spiral downward? Click on the video below to see what it looks like when you have other options. What we do to ourselves and others IS the source of the pain, NOT what’s happening outside us or from what other people are doing.


Whatever upsets you carries within it a UNIQUE CODE that reveals the shortest distance between where you are and your next large or small transformation into freedom and peace. There is a dependable path to instant peace, freedom, and a completely relaxed, fun approach to life where we do not fall victim to our own emotional states (and where no-matter-what financial freedom also resides!), once you learn to capitalize on what your pain is trying to tell you.
“FIDUCIARY: a person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another.”
When it comes to happiness and quality of life, I have found that “ANOTHER” is the part of us that is scared, confused, hurting, innocent–and that leaving that part in the hands of others simply does not do the trick once we get old enough to be laboring under the edicts of our own programmed thinking.

For now we see in a mirror dimly

Video in the Dark Part I

It's all happening FOR you

Video in the Dark Part II

The Universe is Telling Me this is a Bad Time

Our egos are EXPERT at telling us to say away from anything that will expose their game. Clarifying expectations regarding buddy work, and regarding tut stories that try to steal the very peace we finally have the tools to access in a reliable way. Hang in there and trust that it will so that! Where ever you are with regard to this right now is perfect, and Ali reveals the stories that are stealing your joy in other areas of your life. You’re in the right place and it is the right time–except for a story that would tell you otherwise. Xox

Big OOPS Leads to More Self-Solidarity

Shawn welcomes you to your New Era of SWEET SELF-SOLIDARITY (www.shawnmahshie.com) from a swing in her serene, bird-filled Light Landing watefront retreat. In the story she tells about a small business mishap, the post to which she refers can be seen here.

Awakening to my Wednesday Night Non-Duality and Thursday night Separation

In this video, Shawn Mahshie talks about her Wednesday night experience of awakening to knowing that she isn’t her body, and also her Thursday night revelations about whether or not sitting in the presence of a guru is our most efficient way to wake up, and the reliable freedom of at least loosening up at our contracted definition of who we are one stressful situation at the time. 🙂

Not Upset with Others--Only Yourself? 10 Ways to Find Internal Unrest that Wants your Attention (for JYN)

Blessings in Disguise: Can We Know Luck Looks Like?