“Working with Shawn Mahshie was simply amazing. I love her happiness hacks. Shawn has the most effective, powerful technique called the “reliable symmetry of happiness” – whatever upsets you is actually the key to set you free. Even people who have been on a life long spiritual journey will find the fastest path to freedom. Whether you are in a stuck marriage, have issues with your closest relationships, or still struggle with anxiety, anger and alienation, Shawn gets radical healing results.”
– Bret Gregory, Internationally-Known Business Coach
“Just wanted to share how much I love Shawn Mahshie!!! We got to talk last night and it wasn’t a regular session but sometimes we just catch up and talk about things that are happening with me and it’s so nice. She’s so loving and nurturing and especially since I lost my mom in my twenties, I haven’t had this kind of unconditional love and support since she’s been gone! And I’m NOT saying she’s old enough to be my mom… just that she makes me feel loved and supported and nurtured like only a mommy can. In fact I’ve believed for a long time that my mom sent her to me to take care of me and help me out of the dark place I was in. Not to knock men, but there’s just a certain kind of care that only women can provide! And it helps my marriage because I realize I can’t expect my husband to be all things to me. He’s just not capable of certain things and when I let go of my anger at him for not being more nurturing I can let myself find what I need from sweet women like Shawn (and the rest of the mastermind group that I’ve gotten to know and love over the past year). She remembers all the details of our work together and constantly reminds me of how far I’ve come in the last year when I don’t always think about it. Then I’m like, you know, you’re right! I was a hot mess and even though I’m still struggling with some stuff, thanks to this work my thinking has an automatic way of taking care of that little girl inside of me that has just been getting beaten up for years. Thank you Shawn….you are truly a bright spot in my life and I love you so much! Thank you for sharing your many gifts with all of us!”
– Corrie Nativi
“I second everything you are saying! I realize I was over relying on my husband to also be my girlfriend and my mom! It’s so much nicer to let him be my husband, and turn to Shawn and others for support. Shawn is a great big ball of love who helps me feel like I can do anything. Thank you Shawn”
– Amy Koren
“Dear sweet Hawnie, Wow!! Your place is so beautiful, in every season!! What a joy it must be for you to live there. And your place looks immaculate, and so gorgeous. I can only dream of living in such a beautiful home. Thank you for sharing that with me.
I LOVE the letter you wrote. It’s like you read my mind, knowing what I’m going to say even before I think it. You even nailed the part about the regret stabbing me in the stomach — just reading about that made it happen. And the full house/poker line was priceless!!!
What a radical approach to take to decluttering — I will try that. This was a very good instructional, yet kind, article, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing it. I’m sure it will be very helpful to others as well.
Love you!”
– A Client with Debilitating Clutter Issues
“It is said that what we all want above all things are love and freedom. I advocate highly for Shawn’s ability to help guide you HOME to both! Her commitment, love and skill, her patience and guidance, and especially her courage are all for YOU and in service to YOUR HEALING. I love her and her work! If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, and get to it, this is the place and Shawn is the person! I hope to see you at her next event!”
– Dr. Dale Korangy, Acupuncturist
“You’ve helped me with my depression and anxiety more than anyone or anything else over all these years ever has. I just feel like I was meant to find you, Shawn.Even when I’m not talking to you I hear your sweet voice in my head when I start to have scary thoughts. And I’d love to be able to help other people like that someday…. as I get more and more stable, I’m excited to get trained to share your methods with others or work as part of your team.”
– Corrie Nativi
“There is deep integrity, Shawn, in what you share … It’s palpable and permeates your words and actions. Your willingness to be both visible and vulnerable is a continual testimony of your dedication to ‘walk your talk’. I also really appreciate your sense of humor that reads as kindness … such a kind heart you have. So beautiful is ‘The Work’ that you share. Thanks so much … I value your stand and your commitment to truth, beauty and true care for us all … It’s a treasure.”
– Donna Drozda, Fine Artist, Virginia Beach, VA
“This is why I know you’re the right person for me to work with, somehow your inquiry is deeper and more in touch with the mystery of it too. You understand and allow for both which is great…so so glad we connected.
I like the fact you’re authentic and real on these things and not got lots of pat answers like “be positive”, its not a really slick performance getting people to sign up to something but an honest sharing – the slick salesmanship is often why so many British people fail to want to join in American programmes!
You’re different, I love love love your work!
– Sara Nason, International Human/Nature Rights Filmmaker
“Oh my Goddess you are SO freaking adorable. I love how much fun you bring into this work :)”
– Josea Tamira Crossley, Trauma Healing Specialist
“You are beyond an inspiration, Shawn … You are a great wise compassionate guide.”
– Susan, Documentary Filmmaker, UK
“Thank you Shawn… your words, actions, and prayers help to keep my soul in peace tremendously as I am working to get out of my difficult marriage. I love our private coaching times and the new group, and would like to see and hear another of your presentations soon. You are light in my life that guides me to get to my new journey.”
– Harumi, Self-Evolution Divorce Group & Private Coaching Client
“I genuinely appreciated meeting you and getting to know you better. I felt an even deeper connection and respect for you and what you do. Who you are and what you do matters. I love your heart of gold and brilliant wisdom. I can’t wait to learn from you, Shawn.”
– Sandy Kuehl
“I received so much from all the work that I did with you. It gave me the confidence to develop a career of my own. What a gift! I love you.”
– Nancy
“This is the most beautiful, useful and true writing I have read in a long time. Thank you so much for sharing it. I will be reading it over and over and sharing it with family and friends.”
– Allison
“I found the material [eBook] compelling and inspirational. In my own introduction to your work, from your interview that Susan conducted last year, I heard relief— from the suffering of regret, the suffering of indecision and from the suffering of self-hatred. I find the compassion, acceptance and the potential for joy that your work offers unusual. I see the possibility for self-confidence, clarity and prosperity.”
– Editor about eBook
“You are a blessing whose life and work impact the lives of many in ways positive. I enjoyed learning about what makes you unique and special. Your site is a testament to the beauty of who you are. Know that you are touching souls and enriching lives. Yours is a path of purpose. You are a shining light whose efforts empower. Thank you for opening your heart to others in such a profound way. I wish you a journey of ethereal bliss.”
– Anonymous
“I need you to know, Shawn, that I love you and I love having you in my life. I’m excited to be a part in your life’s work and I am grateful for you bringing all of yourself to it. I feel priveleged to be on your team and happy for the partnership between us. Thank you for all you do!”
– Anonymous
“I am writing in overflow of gratitude to you, Shawn, for our work together and what you have taught me in our Skype sessions and all your amazing answers to my emails. Just in 4 months … I have made sooo much progress personally and professionally! I am now living in a home that I love so much, I have just gotten one new paying client who pays me at full rate, another client is absolutely loving working with me and committed to a monthly structure, and I feel a lot more confident about my coaching process!”
– Anonymous
“Aww, you’re such a sweetheart, Shawn!! You always know just the right things to say, and I’m so happy to have you as my friend and fabulous facilitator. It means so much to me to have your support and guidance, and the benefit of all your wisdom. You have such a gift to share with the world.”
– Anonymous
“This is by far the best I’ve EVER read about relationship breakups and ‘decision’ (and I’m just gracefully going through the end of a beloved relationship). Oh my god, this is SO good. Thank you so much!!!”
– Angela G.
“Even if you didn’t write so beautifully I would be able to feel the love and caring in your words. That’s a gift! I’m in a hospice facility with my mother. We stayed overnight with my father as the doctor thinks that he has a day or two left. What a journey for everyone. And an amazing lesson about what is truly important in life.
When this chapter comes to a close I will so appreciate spending time with you – and your caring ways and skills at looking at thoughts and emotions in new ways. I have my worksheets here at hospice and have been doing a lot of turnarounds, especially using the question: “How would I be without that thought?” I was at the mini retreat last Sunday in spirit. Next time I plan to be there in the physical.
Thanks for all your emails and for your website. It is one of my go to places for inspiration. You are doing so much good in the world. That must be a fabulous feeling!!!”
– Anonymous
“I just want to send a big thank you hug out to Shawn Mahshie for staying up late with me the other night to help me work through some really painful stuff. She just has this amazing way of getting to the heart of the matter, of cutting through the BS quickly and efficiently while always remaining kind and gentle. She helps me see that I’ve been telling myself stories for years that at best just aren’t true and at worst have been causing me loads of unnecessary pain. I’ve still got some work to do but knowing Shawn is there with me gives me hope that I will get there!!!!!”
– Anonymous
“What an awesome post! Got to love that Shawn! She helps us return to what is, and love it all the more.”
– Anonymous
“Shawn this was just what I needed this morning….I’ve been waking up with such heart- pounding anxiety lately and I don’t know why….this morning was no different and it was to the point of where I felt sick to my stomach. I actually laid there and told my little me that I was there, I didn’t expect the feeling to change and I’d be there as long as it took. Your words were in my head. I didn’t have a specific worry – I often don’t, there’s just a dark tangle of them in my head – but I started to feel better. Then I got up and watched your video and heard your sweet calming voice. I will set up a session soon but thank you for sharing that you still struggle too and that there is a way out that doesn’t depend on others changing!!”
– Anonymous
“I just wanted to say that I love you, Shawn, and admire you for the work you are doing for yourself and others. I know it can’t be easy. No need to respond to this; I just wanted to share my feelings.”
– Anonymous
“Thank you for doing this group. It’s clear that you are masterful with ‘The Work’ from all the feedback I’ve heard from multiple people now and I think your work could benefit everyone, and I don’t say that about many things. I think ‘The Work’ is … well, it’s phenomenal; it’s absolutely transformative. It doesn’t matter how enlightened you already are, you can go further with ‘The Work’. It can produce profound breakthroughs that you might not find any other way. It gets at stuff that we can very effectively avoid in the rest of our lives. The stuff we are conveniently avoiding—’The Work’ will get at it. So Yeah, I highly recommend that folks sign on with you.”
– Ryan Eliason, Internationally known marketing coach and author, The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network, Eugene Oregon
“I’m in. I’ve drunk the ‘Reliable Symmetry of Happiness Kool-Aid’. I want to immerse myself in it, become a skilled practitioner of it in my own mind and life, and pass it on to everyone I reach through ‘Bright Line Eating’ to address the monkey mind that erupts when the crutch of food is no longer a go-to option.”
– Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. , Neuroscientist, Professor in the Psychology of Sustained Weight Loss, CEO Bright Line Eating Solutions, Rochester NY
“Thank you again, Shawn. I really enjoy our sessions and feet that I get so much. My last shift is still going strong and it’s helped to create new direction for me. I am doing what I love and sharing that knowledge with others, I feel that I have purpose and I’m so very happy. This was all due to the fall retreat!”
– Nancy Pritchard, CPA, Frederick, MD
“What an amazing class… This was such a phenomenal inquiry for me personally. I just loved it. I was doing the happy dance while I was driving—it was brilliant! Thank you so much … It’s perfect. So wonderful listening to you.”
– Denise, Green Community Organizer
“This was my second retreat with Shawn. The natural beauty that surrounds the place put me in a great frame of mind and allowed me to stay positive and feeling good. The women in attendance who I’ve come to know and care about were such a lasting source of inspiration and positive reinforcement for me. I found myself feeling comfortable and safe in this loving and supportive environment, allowing me to be open, honest and vulnerable. Shawn’s gentle guidance allowed me to penetrate through my defenses and work on those issues that contribute to my recurring difficulties. I left here feeling refreshed and healed and I would highly recommend the experience to anyone.”
– E.
“This is soooo awesome! I feel really great right now! Thank you so much for facilitating my paradigm shift!”
– F., Author, Coach and Blog Writer, California
“I’m writing today in admiration and appreciation of Shawn Mahshie and the work she is offering the world. This past Fall I attended her 3 day riverside healing retreat ‘Put The Work to Work … ‘, where we dove headfirst into a sublime, lovely, intense, compassionate , and deep entry/reentry into ourselves. We were held in expert arms, safe to delve and explore realms usually held at bay and inaccessible. I experienced in myself and witnessed in others profound heart opening shifts.
I have worked professionally in the Healing Arts and Consciousness Frontier for over 40 years, so I have had my share of healing work and been exposed to many practitioners and techniques. I have known Shawn professionally and now personally for over a decade and it has been my privilege to bear witness to her profound growth, healing and evolution as a human being. Over the past few years she has devoted herself particularly to her development as a facilitator of ‘The Work’. And I am here to tell you she excels at it! I came away from that weekend in a very different place in myself. It gave me the opportunity to let go of what I had been holding onto so tightly around a very scary topic/theme of my life. I experienced opening and changes that have continued to inform my life and my decisions.”
– Dale, Mother, Grandmother and Acupuncturist
“The retreat offered me meaningful experience of sisterhood, of being in a circle of women, all working on themselves, clearing their own ways and “being the change they want to see” in their own lives.
I felt enormously nurtured and at greater peace with being seen and being heard. I left feeling supported, feeling like I can’t be smaller than I am, feeling like I am free to be who I am, and feeling free take up my space. ‘Right sized’ is another way to say it. Thank you for all your parts in that.”
– Anonymous
“There are no words to tell you how thankful I am for having spent this weekend with you. The support emotionally, for my physical condition, and for helping me out in the kitchen was amazing.
Shawn is so wonderful to share her beautiful oasis with us. She does The Work with us, but there is so much more. Her years of study and knowledge of areas like Transactional Analysis, co-dependency, and spirituality provide a safe space at her retreats as she shares her wisdom with us.
Her spirit of play, vulnerability, generosity, and joyous self-acceptance made this weekend as much fun as it was helpful. I loved the swimming and dancing!
Thank you Shawn, and thank you all, for this life-changing experience.”
– Anonymous
“The retreat was an amazing, amazing time. I can’t wait to talk with everyone on the Mastermind phone call tomorrow. I’ve had some great breakthroughs thanks to the work that we did at the retreat. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. You have made me realize that I have so many choices in my life–not “have to’s.” I feel that a big weight has been lifted. Can’t wait to share. I love you!!”
– Anonymous
“A year ago I knew I had a lot going on that I was afraid to admit. Most of the time I felt shut down. Before group conference calls, I would tell myself I’m not going to call in–but that’s just me, still trying to shut myself down. I’ve made progress since then.
Now once I’m with the group, there’s so much love and trust and insight and friendship that I can relax and be part of it. I am very grateful to Shawn and the group and The Work. I wouldn’t be who I am, where I am, now without them.”
– Anonymous
“I’m so grateful for our time to share our work, stretch ourselves, love each other.”
– Anonymous
“I can honestly say this weekend has had more positive impact on me than any other single thing I’ve done in my life.”
– Anonymous
“I’ve been to a lot of these kinds of things, but this one was really different – it made such a tangible impact that is still with me.”
– Anonymous
“When I arrived home, it seemed like his kids were different – that’s how differently I was seeing them. And instead of being all ‘in it for themselves’ like usual, they are making me dinner tonight! I haven’t said anything…how could they have changed so much!”
– Anonymous
“Amazing Meals, Warm Fun Company, Time and Space Alone, All Levels of Lovely, Affordable Accommodations, and…Most of all… Everyone went home with a huge shift”
– Anonymous
“Thank you, Shawn. You are wonderful, I love being around you, the retreats are amazing and I have the highest respect for you and everything about you.”
– Anonymous
“This is just the answer I was looking for. It makes perfect sense. And my wonderful partner has been helping me with this too. I am so thankful for this group!! Instead of being lost in my head and being dragged down by a storm of negative thoughts that keep me paralyzed in indecision and doubt and insecurity, I have a place to go that feels safe and secure and full of love. ❤️❤️❤️ I have a place to work through my issues one by one with concrete helpful steps until eventually this will all come naturally to me. Much love to you!! And please keep us posted on what happens with your property!! What a great feeling it must be to be able to look at it in that way!”
– Corrie Nativi, Home Schooler Mom
“Just listened to your 6 Keys video. Thanks for sharing all. My gratitude for spending time w-me on the phone last week. You are doing amazing work. Our “conversation-plus” has broken open a long time hurdle for me and I am so grateful. My whole brand has solidified. It is clearing a big obstacle so I can move ahead on several fronts.
Safe travel. Big hugs and love.”
– Jane Merrill, Performance Coach
“This woman saved my relationship. Seriously. In December of this year my partner & I were very close to what I thought was going to be a break-up. Turns out it was just time for a major RELATIONSHIP BREAKTHROUGH ~ which we had thanks to support from Shawn Mahshie and her incredible system of Radical Relationship Relief. If you are struggling in ANY of your relationships ~ with your partner, your kids, your family, work colleagues or friends ~ or your SELF lol….she will shift your reality so you never look back. I highly recommend working with Shawn Mahshie to transform your way of percieving this whole situation ~ she will totally support you to transform EVERYTING and get the shift you are seeking…I have often felt the same way ~ even when I am getting mostly a positive response but maybe some people aren’t responding at all I find it hard. (I just want to email my list sometimes and be like HELLO!!! I just poured out my hear to you ~ SAY SOMETHING!!! hahaha) Shawn Mahshie offers sessions doing The Work ~ I’d really recommend connecting with her to shift this.”
– Josea Tamira Crossley
“I finally got to the point where I felt that my parents had been loving supportive parents and not people who undermined me and blocked me and didn’t understand me…
I had spent a lifetime thinking that…And now it feels different. This work allowed me to replace my old stories with the story of a beautiful loving family.
And feeling that security gave me an example of where I’d like to be with each inquiry that I do–I know what I am aiming for now. I can see that I haven’t achieved it in many parts of my life, but I am really encouraged by having it in ONE relationship and believing I can have it in lots of others.”
– Deborah Axelrod
“Shawn, you are so wonderful! This is so wonderful! Thank you for this and for all that you do to help us help ourselves. Not many people see how much you do to help heal the world like I have. Your efforts are tireless. I’ve told you and the people I know how much the world needs you. I truly believe that. During our last Bootcamp group call, I said that I haven’t felt happiness in over a year! And I was overcome with happiness this last Monday for the first time in so long and it’s triggered a big change in my life! I’ve taken my first step on the new road I was so afraid to even look at and I’m actually excited about it! I know I’d still be frozen by fear had I not met you. Thank YOU!! And to all my fellow bootcampers who’ve felt an impact by knowing Shawn and by the work she does, i hope you spread the word about her and your experience here.”
– Raisa Salonga
“You are beyond an inspiration, Shawn…. You are a great wise compassionate guide… with the results for me of relationships flowing, of joy, of ease, of relationships not being so entangled, a deeper awareness of how our stories get in the way and the how to make inner change with an outer impact.”
– Sara, International Filmmaker
“Thank you so much Shawn, for your guidance and your time! It cleared out a lot! WOW. I am looking forward to the group session!”
– Rick, Environmental Entrepreneur
“This is just the best summary of The Work in action… comprehensive and still concise.”
– Michael Blackstone
“This has been a really immersive and also dynamic experience for me. On several fronts; not just in one area of my life. I’ve been getting benefits not just in terms of relationship, but also in terms of business, because a big part of this has been being able to see myself as providing service to people and getting back to that part of myself that I had felt to removed from after a breakdown and motherhood, and….
Yeah, I recognize there have been these really PROFOUND shift in all of these places. In the marriage. In my ability to work, in my health–you know like as my health improved, what I was able to give has grown. It’s been really transformative in a lot of ways. It’s not just like, “Ok now I know how to do The Work, I have this great tool…” Working with you has been so transformative on all levels.
It is very cool…. there has been definite transformation in lots of areas where there had been stuck for a really long time. And that would be one of the things I would want to share with everybody.. is that since I came home from the retreat, I’ve been finding mobility in places where I hadn’t had it for such a long time. In just being able to take actions that used to be a place where I used to get stuck. I have so many specific examples. ”
– Sarah
“Love this! Thank you for today’s work. I really am realizing beliefs I held that are not helpful to me and work against myself. Shawn, thanks so much!”
– Marie
“One of the most loving things I did for myself was invest in sessions with Shawn. Her take on ‘The Work’ Byron Katie is a god-send. Glad to hear she’s helping you too, brother.”
– P., Spiritual Teacher, UK
“Working with Shawn is like being held by a huge teddy bear who will go with you into your darkest places and won’t drop you till you are back in the light. I can’t believe how much I shifted in a single session around my debilitating long-term beliefs about time and money, and the big impact that has had on my small business launch and ability to build joint ventures.”
– D., Individual phone client and teleclass student
“I left our first session feeling I was in that space of ”being’ that Ekhart Tolle talks about. Throughout vacation, I felt so present and calm with my kids, and there were none of the usual incidences of abuse from my husband! Everything looks so different to me now that I have seen through my denial of the part my own mind was playing in this painful existence. Knowing this work, and that I get to see Shawn regularly has made my life bearable … even hopeful again.”
– K., Individual client
“I have cleared everything that was in the way with my “X …” In fact, we met in person—he got back in town—and there was no spark, no charge, no trigger for me at all … just pure love and openness.
All of that in four months’ time! Oh my God. Just how amazing that is and how fast I’ve grown…
I say thank God for ‘The Work’ (thank you Katie) and thank you Shawn for gently pulling me back to finally being in my own business … being there for me, loving me, doing my best, especially in being the one to love, adore, approve, validate, and cherish me. I can be my Valentine … every day of the year, Shawn!! I think I can be very content being single for now … and anything that comes up as a trigger in dating or in doing consultation is just a reflection of where I am still not loving me and putting that job of loving me outside of me to others. So as you said, ‘Happy Symmetry’! It’s either love or lessons! So much love!”
– E., Life and Relationship Coach
“My life is and has taken a dramatic turn with just this little bit of information; I speculate what might it be if I continue with a little real work. I love all that you’ve provided, and the open-hearted way you come across to us. What don’t I love about you? For Heaven’s Sake!”
– Anonymous
“Shawn has brought me so many tools to use in my everyday life. Her work is so valuable to me. Thank you Shawn Mahshie!”
– Anonymous
“I am so happy for your lovely heart and bounty of love for me…only thanks isn’t enough …you are more than this mere word thanks… you have always guided me by your precious knowledge and have shared your most important asset..that is your time with me…so lovely:).”
– Anonymous
“Thank you Shawn, for these tools, they have and will be used in my life here on in, it is such a wonderful, loving way in how you show up and present in our RRR. I am very grateful.”
– Anonymous
“Guilt is flowing away, courage is coming, happiness is setting in big time! Loving and forgiving myself, others and my present circumstance! How did this happen!? I’m really getting the happy part of “happy, thin, and free. Amazing transformation. Much work to do but really on my way! Thank you.”
– Anonymous
“Our lunchtime work was an amazing shift for me. Thank you. Left to my own devices, I get off track and end up choosing negative. I’m feeling good, but I know I can call if I need to. I am so intrigued by the shifts that already happened and the unknowns that will happen.”
– Anonymous
“I spend so much of the time feeling overwhelmed with all the things that I need to do, and then often find a sort of paralysis setting in, or being so scattered and frazzled trying to do everything that I can’t focus and finish anything. I was also very frustrated that my family wouldn’t pitch in and help when I asked them to, and feeling very hopeless and depressed. Shawn addressed this in one session through our inquiry yesterday, and gave me concrete suggestions for a simple action plan — a plan for ME, not for how to browbeat my family into shouldering some of the burden. These steps shifted MY attitude and MY behavior, and as a result, I had a calm, flowing, productive day. And as a bonus, with me not being such a tyrant, my family stepped up to help without even being asked! Her advice is applicable to every situation, and already has brought me so much more peace and happiness. Best of all, Shawn is helping me see in SO many ways that this work is always between ME and ME, and so is completely within my control and doesn’t depend on someone else behaving the way I want them to in order to make me happy. Truly transformational!”
– Anonymous
“I wasn’t sure what to expect with my first session. I was full of emotion remembering a hurtful experience in the past that Shawn had asked me to remember and talk about. I believe the strong emotional reaction helped lead me to a powerful shift in my experience. I’ve been in and out of therapy for 30+ years, and have had some helpful insights along the way but I never gained as much perspective during my many years of therapy that I had with Shawn during a 2.5 hour phone session. I think The Work hones right in on the most profound obstacles that get in my way: my own unquestioned, unexamined thought patterns that keep me identified as the victim, wondering what I had done to deserve such a bad life.
I talked about an event that occurred when I was about 10 that helped convince me that I was not very important or special to my parents. In really exploring my thoughts and beliefs and doing some inquiry, I was able to see that some of the major conclusions I had drawn from that experience were not very accurate. They were simply the innocent conclusions of a 10 year old who lacked enough sophistication and insight into the ways of the world and the many facets of life. I am not certain my mind has shifted permanently to fully accept what I had glimpses of during that first session, but I feel with Shawn’s support, I can continue to make progress; hopefully one day living from a pure heart free of the binds of an unexamined mind.”
– Anonymous
“I love the confluence of your ever-shifting awareness of the meaning of source with your writing and with your facilitation. My sense is that each aspect of your work facilitates the other. It’s part of what I mean when I say that you use yourself in your work. The other aspect is that you show up as Shawn. My experience of this is the power of your connection with yourself and with me, which not only models and facilitates ‘The Work’, but becomes a direct experience for me of connection vs. separation. At this stage of my process, clarity is important for my own transformation and to be able to communicate my beliefs to others. I opened to the reality as perceived in ‘A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM) first out of my desire to stop suffering, and then because I found it intellectually stimulating. I was drawn to Byron Katie’s work because it incorporated ACIM principles, yet applied them in a kinder, gentler, more accessible, and practical way. I experience your work as a further extension of both of these and appreciate it greatly.”
– Anonymous
“Thanks, Shawn. Yes, pressured is exactly how I’m feeling—squeezed from all directions. It seems that I’m on a hamster wheel that keeps turning faster and faster and I just can’t keep up. A simpler life sounds so appealing, and I keep picturing how peaceful and relaxed it must be at your beautiful home by the water there. One of these days, I must come. I so want to get over to living in that place of peace that you’ve found—thanks for reminding me that I don’t have to keep doing things the same way I’ve always done them, even though it feels so natural—I keep forgetting that there are truly other options for how I choose to be in each moment! Thanks so much for the pep talk today, and all your amazing work with me—it’s SO what I needed! It’s as if you were watching over my shoulder—yes, here I was beating myself up, apologizing to others, adrenaline all over the place—you nailed it! Thanks for talking me down to a place of relative sanity, and reminding me to be kind to myself. Can’t thank you enough. You’re helping me far more in a few sessions than all my years of counseling.”
– Anonymous
“After my first session (where we went into the darkest depths—and back—of what I had never told anyone about my relationship with my husband), I left Shawn’s home knowing the kind of awakened presence Ekhart Tolle talks about. While I thought my husband was in complete denial about how he was treating me, I showed myself—with Shawn’s amazing tenacity and patience—that I was really the one in denial about the treatment I had been receiving for so many years. She stayed with me for 4 hours that day as I faced the reality that I was caught in a cycle of domestic violence, fearlessly supporting me and advocating for the safety of the tenderest part of me by helping me wake up to what had been happening.
I so look forward to the long drive to our weekly sessions, as something goes on there that you don’t find anywhere else. I love staying with her as I watch myself transform out of a victim into clarity and strength—and become ready to tackle the difficult practical issues I was unwilling to face.
Shawn has never let me down; every time I come away with a major shift compared to when I walked in. In the one session where I didn’t get as big a shift as usual, I went back and listened to the recording of it, and got the biggest shift of all and saw where Shawn was so diligent and yet gentle in inviting me to what I had been resisting. Her amazing insight into co-dependent relationships and the nature of thought, her skill at holding me in ‘The Work’ until I regularly have huge breakthroughs—even about my worst fears for my children—are phenomenal.
I have never felt safe enough to tell anyone before what really goes on behind our closed doors. Shawn has been there for me between sessions as well; I would love for my children to know what I am learning: Everything that brings them pain also holds within it the direct and lasting path out of that pain. I cannot recommend Shawn highly enough for anyone who wants to tackle life-long issues and see them through completely new eyes.”
– Anonymous
“Growing up, it was never safe to ask for what I wanted, so I never learned how to do that. And the times I did try, I got shut down in a hurry and never heard out. I can’t tell you how much happier I felt after speaking up for what I wanted! And being prepared for the no, which wouldn’t have mattered, because I’d have at least tried. SO much better than stewing and feeling as though I’d never really been heard.
This feels so freeing! You are so good at getting to the bottom of what’s really going on! I can’t thank you enough for our session tonight!! You truly are a vessel of healing and hope and, much more than that, practical solutions for so many people. And we’re so grateful to you and for you!!”
– Anonymous
“Thanks for this, and thanks for our session tonight. I feel so much better after talking to you. I think what really helps (apart from all your wisdom and compassion) is that I can just be myself and there is no judgment from you. That really helps to make up for the acceptance and validation I never got from my parents. I know I should be able to give this to myself, and that’s what I’m aiming for, but in the meantime, it just feels so good to get that true listening, compassion, understanding, and love from you, with no criticism or disappointment. You have no idea how refreshing and supportive that feels!! It takes me out of that dark, hopeless place where I’m used to being. I also really appreciate you celebrating my positive steps — that was so sweet of you! I’m so not used to doing that, so it was a very good reminder.”
– Anonymous
“I feel so much peace [since our first session] when I let myself stay in the present, even though it is new and so very hard to get myself to stay there very long. I also like to think about the curious, compassionate caretaker of the littlest part of me. That little part is what is so scared and sad and depressed. And lonely. She feels abandoned. If I focus on her and tell her it’s ok, I feel loved and warmth, just from myself.
I just feel really drawn to this, it’s such a gentle and loving way to get me out of this awful rut I’ve been in for so long. It really makes me feel better and I actually look forward to it. I haven’t really looked forward to anything in a long time. Thank you again and I’ll keep in touch. You are such a warm, attentive soul, this is truly your calling. 😊”
– Anonymous
“I am so grateful for your team’s great communication and flexibility! I am also anxious to finally meet you! That makes me feel free to go ahead and book the time offered. Thanks!!!”
– Anonymous Couples Retreat Client
“Shawn, you are really good at what you do. You are so perceptive. You’re a gift. This is amazing. And I had thought of going to a psychologist, and I could have done that and cost me next to nothing because I have good medical. But I can’t even imagine anyone being as helpful as you’ve been.”
– Anonymous
“I just want to send a big thank you hug out to Shawn Mahshie for staying up late with me the other night to help me work through some really painful stuff. She just has this amazing way of getting to the heart of the matter, of cutting through the BS quickly and efficiently while always remaining kind and gentle. She helps me see that I’ve been telling myself stories for years that at best just aren’t true and at worst have been causing me loads of unnecessary pain. I’ve still got some work to do but knowing Shawn is there with me gives me hope that I will get there!!!!!”
– Anonymous
“Having you in my corner has been the best thing that’s happened by far. Along with the other loving ladies. I loved your email….I copied the main points and put them in my notepad so that I can quickly look at them when I feel myself spiraling. I will dig up the courage to talk to my husband too.”
– Anonymous
“I’ve been sleeping so well since our session! I think you help me clear out some gunk“
– Anonymous
“Thank you Shawn for listening and your help. I feel safer lately, after such a short time with gig—even in the face of my wife’s intense anger. I’m starting to feel like myself again after a long long period of anxiety, depression, and self-alienation (despite all 4 of my children not doing well healthwise). It’s amazing this all that can be going on and I am still calmer, happier, and kinder to myself and others. Wow. Thank you.”
– Anonymous
“Thanks and thank you for all your amazing insight and showing me the path to harmony with my grown daughter. I will continue to follow your lessons and bring more symmetry in my life .”
– Anonymous
“Dear Shawn, I am stunned, amazed, humbled, and more than thankful for this offering. It’s really going to be life changing and already is! I think it’s possible a lot of folks are “quiet” on your webinar because perhaps they are feeling like I do, just not able to talk during or after such a sacred occasion. Thank you a million times.
Love to you.”
– Anonymous
“Good Morning, Shawn! Thank you very much for our wonderful session as well as clear guidance towards my habitual patterns of thinking. The more I get to know this program, the less I feel scared. Thank you again for all your hard work so filled with love. I will miss you very much while I am away! Especially your beautiful heartwarming smile.
I am so grateful for your consistent support and unconditional️ love. I truly appreciate your beautiful being inside out. It is not easy to be there for someone but you have been there for me in every way through this arduous and frightening process of extracting myself from my marriage. For the first time in many years I feel hopeful, completely supported, and so much clearer and stronger with you in my corner. “
– Drama-free Divorce Client
“Shawn and these groups have completely changed the way I see the world when nothing else did!!!! ️️️”
– Anonymous
“I am more in the day to day, and i notice now, what my mind would do. Then I question it and it would just kind of release and shift what I was thinking…that was my past and i’m here now. So now I can turn it around.
Same way with physical pain.My headaches from the brain injury are getting better and better. In the past couple of weeks i had maybe a light headache at the start of the day and then it would.
After being depressed for so long and not finding any reason to get out of bed, I am beginning to have things that i am really looking forward to. The right things kind of let me know…. I continue to be curious and go out and try different things to get myself back into the mainstream
I am really learning How to not take things personally…. Thar seems to be so different. It has clicked in for me that i’m not as involved with that thinking that it’s all about me.”
– Anonymous private client