To download any clips, right click and choose "Save Link As."
- Families in Trouble for MINDSET Mondays Podcast : Transforming Conflict & Estrangement into Gold
- MINDSET Mondays: Thrive This Time, No Matter What
- Blog Talk Radio Interview on the Reliable Symmetry of Happiness and the Wheel of Self-Love
- Shawn’s Self-Solidarity Webinar Hosted by Josea Tamira Crossley
- A One Hour Intro Talk Introducing the Wheel of Self-Love
- Get YOU Back – The Journey to Self-Solidarity™ with Rae Ann Hall, The Optimistic Choice
- [10-min Audio] What Happened to “I Need Him To Like Me” After One Did The Work?
- [20-min Audio] Finding A Way out of “My Boss Is Driving Me Too Hard” & “My Job Is Driving Me Crazy”
- [47-min Audio] Finding A Way out of Regret over Parenting and Wanting Our Children To Show Up Differently
- Entire webinar #5 – with meditation, Q&A, two inquiries, one post-The-Work follow up
- [7-min meditation] “Being thought” and embracing all your thoughts as your dearest ones
- [7-min meditation] Noticing sensations in your body to find out the story that’s running beneath
- [9-min meditation] Allowing yourself to feel supported, loving unconditionally, falling in love with reality[6-min meditation] Noticing your thoughts and letting them have their life
Just click one or two when you have a few minutes to drop in and let them be your own meditation or teach you more about The Work. xoxo (NOTE: I don’t think they will work well as multi-tasking material).