
Because I am just like you.

Celebrating International Women’s Day, Our Stories, The Impact my Clients & I are making in the World.

I used to feel like I was twisting myself into a pretzel to please and placate everyone else in my life.

I did whatever it took, at great cost to myself, to “get everyone else back.”

This video tells—in a whole new and very personal way—how my seemingly idyllic life all had to come crashing down before I realized that I had TOTALLY INNOCENTLY—but completely given my Self away in childhood, in my work, and relationships—especially the relationship with myself.

But it was ME I needed to GET BACK!

I have now found a completely reliable way to do just that…which turned around all the emotional and physical symptoms along the way…. now able to help other women get themselves back, too, as the big mission that drives all of this.

I founded an incredible system and process that women around the world are implementing every day. Coaching women privately and in retreats for almost 10 years—many of whom join our most amazing year-long groups—my team and I also support women around the globe through workshops, books, and invaluable tools I created, like my Happiness Hacks.

These women are seeing revelatory improvements in anxiety, in their most intimate relationships, and in developing a life-changing understanding of what self-love actually looks like and means to them!

You name the difficulty—they are shifting their inner worlds and in turn—the world around us!

I am incredibly proud of all of these women—and so honored and grateful to be part of their lives.

I celebrate them and you all too!!!