
[Teaching Video] Stretch, Risk, or DIE… A Life Sans ‘FORCING’ Ourselves

The 10-minute teaching video below (created in my swimsuit on our pier at Light Landing!), offers very simple “proof” that it’s our thinking–not our situation–that is scaring us, and how we can start to truly help ourselves with the areas where we simply need to evolve a bit more… the way we do with children who just need a hand to know it’s safe to try things that are new or a bit scary–or how we break down things they simply have not been ready to master yet into manageable chunks.

It is very cool to be that for ourselves in that way.

After all, who else knows our foibles and fears better than we do? It turns out it was our own reassurance we needed all along to escort us through our learning curves.

My experience of this patient, accepting self-solidarity is that I rarely need to ‘FORCE’ myself or motor through things any more…. if I slow things down and take the time to see what’s really going on, it’s all just a series of successive approximations toward freedom and peace.

A kind of FEARLESS FAITH develops as we notice that things really do happen in their own time without stress and without a need to force ANYTHING! And yet we still get to consider on any given day if we are ready to ‘stretch, risk, or DIE’ to build our confidence (click the first pic below for the teaching video!).

Much love,

PS-And the 30-second follow-up video shows what I did after I made the first one!!! Without a dependable way to neutralize or at least detach from our own thinking, there is little possibility of “swimming off into the sunset” in a state of peace with what is, what was, and what will be.