
The Aligned Action Adventure!

What if you had a powerful template for Aligning Your Life from the inside out and the outside in!
You’ve come so far; now It’s time to ALIGN YOUR LIFE AND YOUR ACTIONS WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW. Time to stop living out of the old paradigm of limit, lack, and loss! 

Only YOU can hold the niche you occupy, and only YOU can truly “bring it to life” by honoring your own highest and most loving vision for all — starting with yourself and aligning with your own inner compass that is connected to something greater. 

Evolving yourself to fearless faith and aligned action is not guesswork–it is a spiritually-tested and proven science. You create via the simple, foolproof steps that “Love your Life into Thriving.”

As you fall into a mad love affair with yourself and your ability to align with what is, in a way, the manifestation of miracles, you will see clearly that honoring the voice of YOU and acting on the wisdom communicated to you through your body and through what emerges is at the heart of the spiritual journey.

… and that taking care of your own issues is a CRITICAL prerequisite to growing the ability to stand with and for others. 

Mastering the art of creating win-win outcomes that START with YOU, thereby creating a role model for the impact you want to have in the world, is the journey of a lifetime that just grows deeper and richer. 

Moving into manifesting many mini-miracles will give you the momentum and natural effortless reliance on your own clear vision–rather than habitual damage-control worship of the fearful vision. 

So you feel yourself and your life coming into greater and greater alignment with what feels good–inside and out—in other words, greater and greater alignment with all-that-is. 


As you become the one who truly cares for your own needs and you step into the visions that feed your own soul, you also create a powerful container for manifesting and for holding others’ needs as well. 

That is why this Aligned Life Lift-Off Stage of this self-metamorphosis journey is SO important for those who want to be coaches or leaders for others, or even just within their own families. It is the second step in Happy Symmetry Certification 

By creating alignment around your OWN biggest challenges first, you come to know how to live your way into conscious actions and outcomes that feel light, right, not forced, and not scary. 

You simply move… something emerges naturally and effortlessly, and the timing seems just right. 

Having done your work on the fears and resistance that were holding you back, you create Win-Win situations at every turn, because you are free to be a model and container when others have similar challenges. 

Watching your life come into Happy Symmetry and paying it forward gives purpose to everything you’ve lived through. 

Imagine yourself thriving and connected to who and what you love, consciously crafting a fearless win-win existence, fueled by self-love and service, where you get to live happily ever after each day.

What if you had a powerful template for Aligning Your Life from the inside out and the outside in!


This is the ADVENTURE you’ve been preparing for with all you’ve done so far! 


Without a powerful ‘leg-up,’ it might be hard to get to that place where these remaining challenges feel like a great adventure that brings you what you need at every turn. 

With the perspective and guidance from someone who’s taken that journey before–many times–it’s a different world. One where you don’t have to keep re-inventing the wheel out of your faulty programming. 

The template for this free-fall into major manifestation has already been honed into a science that can be passed on. 

Yeah, maybe you can do it alone, but it might be harder and less fun and take longer to get where you are happy with the moments and the parts of your life as they are–or you might feel like you never do get there. 

It’s a whole different journey with a mentor, and community of creators, and a foolproof template that lets you discover for yourself in every situation your own foolproof life-directed guidance for: 
  • what to do
  • what not to do
  • how to transform the fears and resistance into absolute signposts for success, and
  • how to avoid the old self-sabotaging pitfalls that are going to slow you down and keep you from my definition of THRIVING:Having a life you love and loving the life you have (No Matter What).

This is life-support in the truest sense of the word. 

Something BIG shifts when you have perfect support for drilling down through limiting beliefs, being held, affirmed and lovingly supported and confronted as you learn to hold yourself, engage in your own self-designed task tracking, reflect on your resistance, and free your fearful fallacies, when others have your back through every celebration and frustration 

That’s because you’re moving to a whole new level in seeing through your blind spots and manifesting real change in your life,

… and in your ability to give back your true, unique gifts. 

It’s a game changer when you have someone who’s an expert at pinpointing opportunities for a pivotal shift; and going as deeply as it takes into letting each challenge and your reaction to it be the most accurate pointer for how to re-align yourself with where you want to be. 
If you want to become part of this deep intimate self-accountable dive into moving confidently into the life you dream for yourself and helping yourself out with anything that sabotages you, you are in the right place! 
Here  you will be exponentially evolved by this coaching, mentoring, curriculum, and the intimate, self-responsible community of others who are tackling their issues side-by-side with humor, compassion, tenacity, mutual support, unconditional love, and adventure.  
This is life-support in the truest sense of the word.

Have you settled for OK–or NOT OK–when you could have AMAZING?