
“MOMMY” Yourself Like NO ONE Else Can [Gorgeous Retreat Gallery and EARLY WORM Special]

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While we are starting to have more men in our midst, all 9 women who got the big shifts at our Spring Retreat are either moms or are in the equally precious role of step-mom. I am celebrating by extending the crazy EARLY WORM DISCOUNT (read below) and sharing a little gallery of our first professional pics from a retreat (Folks hanging out between our deep sessions….More to come!).

Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s fascinating that in the end, in order to be happy, all we need is to grow ourselves back down to truly inhabit the littlest, most free, most focused, loving, connected parts of ourselves. Which happens when we finally learn a direct path to taking care of the parts that–like a child–have needs, or feel little and dependent:

The parts of us that had no choice but to give all that fun and freedom up as we gradually came to believe something was wrong with our AS-IS self.
The parts of us that traded in our ability to JUST BE in devotion to the ‘winning strategies’ and survival-driven identities our minds acquired along the way,
The parts of us that came to believe the barometer for whether or not we are ‘OK’ resides in our ability to get the love, appreciation, and approval of others.

When we truly spot the problem (i.e., it only hurts because WE stopped loving, approving of, and appreciating OURSELVES exactly as we show up), the entire spiritual journey–back to ourselves, others, and life–lies in becoming the one who won’t leave us no matter what. We finally become the perfect mommy, daddy, friend, and lover. What we were seeking was never lost to start with. We just THOUGHT it to be so.

That coming home to be the Curious Compassionate Caretaker of the littlest parts of us, frees us to grow back up into thriving, connecting, building, and living.

It’s what we are doing here. Like no one else does. It’s what happened at the retreat–again.

Get these goodies of self- and other-love for yourself. Lots of online and in-person options, but if you’d like to hang with these lovely retreaters and others (the majority of retreaters have already signed up AGAIN!), I am extending this crazy EARLY WORM DISCOUNT for the FALL RETREAT (Nov. 3-6) till Tuesday MAY 16. (Put in promo code WORM25–only $220 for full program and food!). It’s warm, it’s fun, you WILL go home changed for good.

Thanks so much.
Shawn 🙂

PS- Write us at support@shawnmahshie.com or call 301-785-0545 if you have any questions–especially about accommodations here at Light Landing (where I am also so blessed to live!), since many are already booked. CLICK FALL RETREAT PAGE to learn more, or CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE to see the lovely and loving gallery!