
I just made a 3-min. video announcing a gift for those who have downloaded my wheel of self-love, and wanted to share it with those on my list as well! Just click here to watch it on my blog and read more about my efforts getting the word out that.

  • It is possible in even the hardest situations to access the sweet Self-Solidarity that connects you to everyone and everything;
  • You can reliably stop judging yourself, no matter what is happening in your life–especially when others are reacting harshly to you;
  • Rapid, tangible change will come about in your life when you use the ways you and others have abandoned you (now and in the past) as the breadcrumb trail home to freedom from your own inner tyranny.

I IMG_6700recently returned from a 10-day trek to California that was packed with support for myself in learning to better serve you.  I was thrilled to be invited by the amazing Eiji Morishita to his Movement Makers’ Playground in Palm Springs, and to give a talk on THE SCIENCE OF SELF-SOLIDARITY (in this case focusing on ‘Exponentially Evolving via Entrepreneurship.’)

Even though the conference was filled with ‘Movement Makers’ from all over the world who have definitely done their “spiritual homework,” I was pleased that folks saw the strategies and theory evolving from our research as ‘cutting edge,’ and found the 10-minute Wheel of Self-Love exercise we did as instantly productive. More than one shared with me that it got them through an issue they’ve been stuck on for years. (YAY! And an aside: I was also invited to be on a number of podcasts, etc. and would like to do more speaking engagements; let me know if you’d like me to speak to your group!)

Fascinating, what happens when you learn some of these Happiness Hacks; clients do actually RELY on getting these kinds of NOT-YET-MAINSTREAM results very time we work together. That why I’ve decided to personally give away 20 strategy sessions in the next month. I feel it is SO critical for those of us who have experienced this ‘coming home to the innocence in yourself and others’ to get this message out that:

World peace, family peace, peace in your work and all your relationships–including with time, money, your body, your dreams–starts with this ability to unconditionally forgive and stand solid with your innocent self.

And for many that started by having just this kind of Self-Solidarity Support and Strategy Session!   Since our retreat sold out 2 months in advance, some of the time that I might have spent promoting that got freed up to offer strategy sessions to a few committed individuals who grab those slots!
So, enjoy the video, or just go straight to the button below it to book time with me.  And please reach out to us at support@shawnmahshie.com or call me directly at +1-301-785-0545 if you need any support or don’t find time slots that work fro you!
schedule one on one video