Join Us for a Cozy, Transformative Watch Party/Mini-Retreat!

Get Comfortable with Like Minds, Watch Live-Stream Recording of Byron Katie's "A Mind at Home with Itself" Event, and Enjoy Shawn Mahshie's Insightful Teaching & Warm, Cutting Edge Coaching in this relaxed Watch-Party/Mini-Retreat!
Gift Yourself a Day at Home with Shawn (and Katie on TV) to Become More Truly at Home in Yourself!

Sponsored by Light Landing Retreat and
Get Clarity & Connection at Shawn Mahshie's Watch Party/Mini-Retreat and Optional Overnight...
Come for all or part of the event!
Enjoy this streamed recording of a recent Byron Katie Event, while Shawn guides and mentors you in aspects of The Work and YOUR work, providing coaching and support around issues folks would like to resolve, discussing insights, take-aways, & how to move into Aligned Action in your Own Life.
Unity, ACT, & Arlington Metaphysical Chapel Members, the NO MATTER WHAT Community, and Friends of Light Landing....
Come and Have Fun Seeing through the Stories that are separating you from yourself, others, and life. Learn more about The Work of Byron Katie, and Shawn's NO-MATTER-WHAT Way.
Learn or increase mastery in this LIFE-ALTERING, no-matter-what way of being FINALLY HAPPY in--and with--life.
Join us in this BEAUTIFUL SPOT. The LIVE stream expires at Midnight; we will watch selected parts of it both Friday night and throughout the day Saturday.... with folks having the option to stay beyond the official event for impromptu fun, hot tub, or deep inner work.

Come away from this Sparling Country-Like Spot with Clarity, Motivation, and DO-ABLE next steps to move into Freedom from the places that are still stuck, despite years or even decades of inner work.
- Deepening Your Ability to Turn Your Spiritual Realizations into Practical Realities in Your Life
- Expert Instruction and Hands-On Mentoring in The Work and Shawn’s NO-MATTER-WHAT Way (TM): The Science of UN*Conditional Connection to Self, Others, and Life (SOAL).
- Tools to move Organically and Fearlessly into an Aligned Action Adventure on a postponed dream or a spiritual “holdout” area of your life. Learn How the Symmetry inherent in Whatever Upsets You Holds the Key to Your Direct Path to Peace
- Private Get-Away and Play time with Shawn and others at Light Landing, our World-Class Local Retreat Center — complete with Snacks, Chili, Cider, Popcorn, and Pot Luck Lunch (see important details under FOOD and DRINK)
- Follow-Up Support from Shawn to deepen insights and embrace whatever shows up, learning how to let it evolve you.
- This event JUMP STARTS an upcoming Unity program…. with a valuable bonus for those who attend both

Event Details
January 31 and February 1
(Be sure to see details and register below....
Come and close some Happiness Gaps: Whatever Upset You Holds the Key!
1) Friday Night 6:30 - 9:00 pm (with optional overnight) and/or
2) Saturday 9:30 am-5:00 pm:
“Watch, Mini-Retreat Instruction, Facilitations, and Shifts
Watch and Reflect on Byron Katie's Event, get answers and coaching as needed, enjoy provided and potluck food throughout the day, lovely views, Hot Tub, etc. via this Casual Mini-Retreat experience.
Shawn's Home at beautiful Light Landing Waterfront Retreat, 22 min south of Annap.
Register Soon! Seating is Limited to the first 14 people; optional overnight for first 7-10 people. All are welcome.
$20 for Friday Night Only
$40 for All Day Saturday (and option to stay into the evening for marathon work/play)
$50 for Both
(New folks who attend will get a discount on future 3-day retreats or one of Shawn's groups.)
>>>> 50% OFF REGISTATION for current and past members of Shawn's GROUPS! (email, check your FB group, or text Shawn for discount code) <<<<
STAYING OVER FRIDAY NIGHT: Accomodations vary; may be more shared space than our regular retreats (since Cottage is booked). Call or text Shawn directly regarding sleeping arrangments. $30 for those who'd like to stay over Friday Night and join us for Breakfast. 301-785-0545
Healthy Snacks and popcorn provided for Friday Evening; Eggs and Fruit for Sat B'fast for those who stay over. Bring your own drink and a dish/healthy snack to share for Lunch or Saturday munching. We will have our Famous Light Landing "Very Veggie Turkey Chili" and Hot Spiced Cider on the stove, plus Coffee, Teas, and Popcorn.
Light Landing
1087 Rodgers Road
Churchton, MD 20733
(just 20 minutes south of Annapolis Harbor Center)
Questions? 1-301-785-0545 (c/text or email for the location) CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancel up until Thrusday noon for a full refund minute 15% cancellation fee. After Thursday no refunds; can apply funds to future event.
To see more pictures of Light Landing, visit
To learn more about Shawn Mahshie and her Finally Happy Programs and Free Resources, visit