
UN*Conditional CONNECTION and Thriving!

Creating a Productive Partnership with Self, Others, and Life

How Do Fears, Expectations, & Conditions Cut You Off? From Others? From Your Dear Self? From Happiness? From Life?

Bring Yourself Back to
UN*Conditional THRIVING.

Bring Yourself Back to LIFE! No Matter What. Feeling Better is Easier than you think.

It's NOT magic; it's Teachable. Learn the Simple Science of Living in Symmetry with Life, and in Warm Solidarity with Yourself.

shawn mahshie speaking

Start your path to freedom, forgiveness, and fun!



Most folks think unconditional love of whatever shows up is not attainable for everyday humans. Even after lessening their pain with years of inner work, many still see anxiety, anger, and alienation as normal reactions to life.

Here at UN*Conditional CONNECTION, we think otherwise.

Our mission is to share news of simple "HOW" that is based on the way our brains and bodies are wired.

This inner technology is so solid and timeless that it enhances our ability to put the great spiritual teachings into action by harnessing the Symmetry inherent in any stressful situation as a perfect Path to Peace in the moment and ever-deepening Self-Evolution over time.

Come and learn how to turn around the thinking that creates separation.

JOIN US FOR 3 Thursdays with Shawn:
Transform Your Ability to Calm Yourself and Communicate Clearly

March 12 & 19th, and 26th
7:00-9:00 PM

VALUABLE BONUSES: Join Us for All 3 Classes and Get an 1 hour Harvest Hidden Riches Session with Shawn (or come as you can and get a 30-min. personal breakthrough followup). If you ALSO attend the Ridgely Retreat workshop on Mar 28 (now canceled but may be moved to ZOOM) from 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm, you get a FREE 90 min Deep Shift Session!

If you are just SO ready for some RADICAL RELIEF ... Then I have really HAPPY NEWS It's called THE SYMMETRY PRINCIPLE:
Whatever or Whoever Upsets, Scares, or Saddens You carries within it a UNIQUE CODE that unlocks Peace, Freedom, and Happiness, and a Warm Dependable Connection to Yourself and the very Person or Situation that Triggered You.

Shawn, this is amazing. You’re a gift. You are really good at what you do. You are so perceptive. I can’t even imagine anyone being as helpful as you’ve been. I love that all my family relationships are at peace as I'm headed into the holidays.”

—Carol Kerr, Unity Member, December 2017

The “Art of UN*Conditional Connection”
Facilitated by Shawn Mahshie
Shawn’s class will continue remotely! In last week’s first of three classes, participants did some eye-opening, calm-inducing, and uplifting work around coronavirus, relationship issues, and turning around other challenges. The next two sessions will be held tomorrow evening and next Thursday (7:00–8:45 pm) on ZOOM, a simple online video conference. 
You are welcome to join on March 19 and 26 even if you can’t come to all three groups. To learn more or register, go to https://shawnmahshie.com/unity-event-spr-20/ You’re also welcome to call/text Shawn at 301-785-0545 or write to her at support@shawnmahshie.com.  
Instructions for joining us on ZOOM:
  • Please log on 10 minutes early.
  • If you are joining from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android, use this link: https://zoom.us/j/6264471001.
  • You can also come in on a smartphone (you’ll need internet service), by clicking the same link above. Select “JOIN BY COMPUTER AUDIO” even though you’re on the phone.
  • NOTE: It is safe to answer “yes” about downloading or launching. Shawn has been using ZOOM for 4 years without concern.
  • If you prefer to not be on video, you may turn off your camera in the lower left corner of the screen. 
  • If you don’t have internet, you may call in by phone using this number and access code: 646-558-8656, Code 6264471001# or 408-638-0968, Code 6264471001#.
If you know anyone who is struggling or anxious, please let them know that we will be working through aspects of what folks might be experiencing around the virus or financial downturn, in a way that restores them to the moment, eases fearful future projections, and a simple way to calm their fears and trust what shows up as a path to dependable peace. The online gathering will also give them access to Shawn and a community of others who know how to use this gentle work to help themselves and who can support them with that as well.

FUN, HANDs-ON (i.e., do your own work!) Group Sessions

Your Thursday nights with Shawn at Unity ON ZOOM start March 12, 2020 and run for 3 weeks through March 26, 2020 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. (It is recommended you attend for all sessions, but come as you can! There will also be the option for partner practice as well as a free private session with Shawn)

Have questions? Trouble getting on ZOOM?

Then we invite you to call or text Shawn at
(301) 785-0545 to decide if this program would work for you!