Private Coaching Relationship
with Shawn Mahshie
Are you still stuck, unhappy, anxious, or judgmental toward yourself and others, despite years or even decades of inner work or spiritual practice? OR ready to really make progress on a goal? Or transform a major life crisis or transition into an opportunity for self-evolution and re-inventing yourself so that you are arriving at thriving?
Does this sound like you:
- You give much in your family or community, but still struggle with your own relationships, money, or health issues.
- Despite all your spiritual understanding and self-knowledge, you still can’t seem to “get present” or get past major issues (like chronic illness or pain, relationship with your spouse or grown children, or the current political situation).
- You are ready to stop agreeing to aspects of your life that no longer fit and get yourself back on track and happy!

Love your pain and "stuckness" into a priceless path to peace...Start creating a Fearless Win-Win life fueled by Self-Love
Then it’s time to give some real, reliable, no-matter-what help to your dearest Self; give yourself a foolproof way to USE whatever upsets you as your direct path to peace.
- Get very clear about the causes and solutions for the most pressing issues in your life, and the simple shifts toward Living In Symmetry that would turn them into gifts
- Let yourself receive warm unconditional support and mentoring as you begin to move beyond mindfulness and into reliable peace, clarity, and tangible shifts
- Experience and begin to apply this new way of CAPITALIZING on your emotional pain and difficult situations to restore unconditional connection to yourself, others, and your postponed dreams.
- Begin to restore your faith in "whatever life brings" and taste a sense of unshakable inner safety as you see that this is not just another spiritual tool but the SHIFT OF A LIFETIME!
- A new kind of faith in "AS-IS Life" is being restored in you; suddenly there is hope because you see that feeling better is easier than you thought..
- You now see a way to harness what is creating your 'Happiness Gaps' as your own foolproof path to closing them.
- You have a whole new perspective on your marriage or other important relationships, esp. the one with yourself

Access the inner safety and UN*Conditional connection to Self, Others, and Life (also “SOAL”) that have eluded you for so long, so you can stop searching and begin to relax into a life that finally fits—no matter what is happening!

In the Shift of a Lifetime (SOAL), an intimate 1:1 private coaching relationship with Shawn (VIrtual or in person), you get to LOVE YOURSELF HAPPY by USING your painful, stuck places as your tailor-made path to dependable peace, and warm unconditional connection to self, others, and life, creating a life you love via new-found freedom from old self-sabotaging patterns.
At the end of this transformational time, you will wake up and realize that:
- A new kind of faith in "AS-IS Life" is being restored in you; suddenly there is hope because you see that feeling better is easier than you thought..
- You now see a way to harness what is creating your 'Happiness Gaps' as your own foolproof path to closing them.
- You have a whole new perspective on your marriage or other important relationships, esp. the one with yourself
- You are becoming the hero you've been waiting for; the curious, compassionate caretaker of the parts of you that have been at the mercy of your circumstances or your own harsh self-criticism. .
Here’s the combination that moves folks into a new personal paradigm. It will change your relationship to all your relationships (especially the one with yourself and your own reactions!):
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It.....

YOUR MISSION, SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT, is to enjoy a fun, intimate coaching relationship as you watch judgement, self-loathing, & fear evolve into unconditional connection to yourself, others, and Life.
Take advantage of this phenomenal opportunity–while Shawn is still offering private coaching–identify and awaken from one or more of your primary painful illusions; to harvest lasting gifts & shifts from your habitual patterns of fear, lack or dysfunction; and to begin to restore a new sense of internal/external safety and fearless faith in yourself and your life.
3 Levels of Service to Match your Time, Budget, and Desire for a Shift that Changes Everything
Each of the levels of service below includes Shawn’s signature fun, intimate sessions (virtual or in-person) where you will come to count on going away light, clear, hopeful, connected to the very thing that was upsetting you, and often laughing or excited about your next steps. While you will feel a shift in the specific issues that get resolved, you will quickly notice that each time you are evolving out of the old patterns that created the habitual emotional charges and unwanted knee-jerk reactions. Shawn will facilitate your self-evolution using her NO-MATTER-WHAT Way approach, which may include The Work, The Wheel of Self love and other Happiness Hacks.
SOAL 6-Week Transformation Triage "Bring Yourself Back to Life"
This Warm Fuzzy Wake UP Coaching Instensive Includes:
4-6 PRIVATE Customized 1-1 Sessions with Shawn; between 75-90 min or 30-min follow-up, TBD as we go, based on need and your optimal way of working.
Experience the Shift to a New Persepctive on a Stuck Issue
Enter into a unique, one-of-a-kind experience with each of Shawn's warm, insightful intuitive spiritual life coaching and mentoring Sessions. Here you and she will quickly gets to the heart of the matter, drop into deep yet fun self-exploration, and come out with true shifts in stubborn patterns, or current, past, and future challenges. Identify and shift primary disempowering mindsets and discover unconditional connection to self, others, and life (SOAL)
DISCOUNT for Continued Coachiing and Wonderful Waterfront Retreat!
Even if coaching prices go up, you are locked in at this price for at least one year, and then going up in increments to match new pricing. Unless you let me know otherwise, this package becomes ongoing, repeating at this rate for as many times as you need it.
BONUS: 50% Off registration fee for one of Shawn's Amazing 3-day waterfront or virtual retreats (does not include room and board).
SOAL 3-month Self-Solidarity Solutions "Detangling your Disempowering MIndsets"
This Self-Connection Cocoon Coaching Relationship includes:
7-10 PRIVATE Customized 1-1 Sessions with Shawn; between 75-90 min or 30-min follow-up, TBD as we go, based on need and your optimal way of working.
Experience the Shift to a New Persepctive on a Stuck Issue
Enter into a unique, one-of-a-kind experience with each of Shawn's warm, insightful intuitive spiritual life coaching and mentoring Sessions, where you and she will quickly gets to the heart of the matter, drop into deep yet fun self-exploration, and come out with true shifts in stubborn patterns, or current, past, and future challenges. Identify and shift primary disempowering mindsets and discover unconditional connection to self, others, and life (SOAL)
DISCOUNT for Wonderful Waterfront Retreat!
Even if coaching prices go up, you are locked in at this price for at least one year, and then going up in increments to match new pricing. Unless you let me know otherwise, this package becomes ongoing, repeating at this rate for as many times as you need it.
BONUS: 75% Off registration fee for one of Shawn's Amazing 3-day waterfront or virtual retreats (does not include room and board)
1 PRIVATE 45-MINUTE Manifestation Milestones Coaching/Follow-up Sessions
With a focus on celebrations, challenges, questions around large and small shifts, and developing a personal practice in The NO-MATTER-WHAT Way, this powerful planning sessions include targeting individualized action steps, milestones, and a self-accountability plan, and meditative work on next steps to create tangible, sustained transformations
One Bonus Coach Session If You Want Your Peronal Practice to Take Off
BONUS: If you are interested in clarifying and improving your own practice in this work, you may request a session with one of Shawn's UCCs (unconditional connection coaches in training) to provide "nuts and bolts" training and support, and answer questions.
SOAL 6-month Living in Symmetry "Turn your Realizations into Realities" Coaching/ Mentoring Relationship
This Aligned-Life Lift-Off Manifestation Mentoring includes:
12-18 PRIVATE Customized 1-1 Sessions with Shawn; between 75-90 min or 30-min follow-up, TBD as we go, based on need and your optimal way of working.
Experience the Shift to a New Persepctive on a Stuck Issue
Enter into a unique, one-of-a-kind experience with each of Shawn's warm, insightful intuitive spiritual life coaching and mentoring Sessions, where you and she will quickly gets to the heart of the matter, drop into deep yet fun self-exploration, and come out with true shifts in stubborn patterns, or current, past, and future challenges. Identify and shift primary disempowering mindsets and discover unconditional connection to self, others, and life (SOAL)
DISCOUNT for Wonderful Waterfront Retreat!
Even if coaching prices go up, you are locked in at this price for at least one year, and then going up in increments to match new pricing. Unless you let me know otherwise that you want to end or renegotiate for a longer-term package, this package becomes ongoing, repeating at this rate for as many times as you need it.
BONUS: 100% Off registration fee for one of Shawn's Amazing 3-day waterfront retreats (does not include room and board).
2 PRIVATE 45-MINUTE Living in Manifestation Milestones Sessions
With a focus on celebrations, challenges, questions around large and small shifts, and developing a personal practice in The NO-MATTER-WHAT Way, these powerful planning sessions include targeting individualized action steps, milestones, and a self-accountabioilty plan, and meditative work to create tangible, sustained transformations
Two Bonus UCC Coach Sessions If You Want Your Peronal Practice to Take Off
BONUS: If you are interested in clarifying and improving your own practice in this work, you may request a session with one of Shawn's UCCs (Unconditional Connecction coaches in training) to provide "nuts and bolts" training and support, and answer questions.
Creating a Customized Self-Evolution Solution
BONUS: 3-Hour VIP VIrtual or in-person Mini-Retreat Session; includes In -Person or Delivered Lunch (or a Special Gift) with a select-topic mentoring and follow-up on an innovative action plan to align your life more fully with your newly evolved self.
EVERY SOAL Package Includes:
A Real Relationship of Unconditional Support and Timely Guidance/Shifts... even BETWEEN Sessions!
Unlimited access to Shawn's private text and email for sharing of challenges, insights, celebrations, questions, support, accountability. Shawn will endeavor to respond within 24 hours or less on weekdays (often on weekends too) and provide guidance, support, or action steps relevant to current challenges
BONUS: Extra Customized "LEG-UP" Support
1-3 impromptu calls per month (15-20 minutes each; Shawn will make every effort to fit it in).
These "Need a 'Leg-Up' NOW" calls are for urgent issues when you know you'd like to shift and handle things differently, but iust need a leg up--some extra support to overcome old patterns and carry you to a new place.
BONUS: Insights, Notes, Content, Recordings!
Support yourself deeply and come away with a rare kind of reflection on your shifts and self-knowledge via your private area that contains recordings (optional) and comprehensive notes
Shawn may also follow up with insights from sessions or send extra content resources she has developed to support your growth, learning, and ability to evolve yourself out of your own stuck or painful situations.
Self-Supporters' and Sustainers Discount
Those who wish to move directly into one of our groups or sign onto another coaching package by the last day of this program receive a major discount on their next program. In some cases will exempt you from price increases (varies by program). All private clients also reclieve special discounts for Shawn's workshops, additional retreats, extra private sessions, and Shawn's other programs and products.
PLUS a BONUS 60-minute Reflection and Direction Session and Customized Ongoing Packages
In this sweet reflection on where you've been and where you still want to go in your shifts, clients start to get a clear picture of their self-sabotage strategies and see clear direction for tranforming these well-meaning but misguided internal nay-sayers and trouble-makers into radical self-love. Taking place one session before the final session in your package, your R and D session also goes allows you to explore options for continued support, discern what feels right for you, and create a plan for moving forward. CUSOTMIZED packages for ongoing support at available at this juncture at the same price levels, but may be spread out over longer periods of time. Those who choose to sustain the continuity of their support with Shawn though groups, private coaching, or retreats get the above features and bonuses.

Find out if this inner-game changer is right for you!

Hey, Completers... you now qualify for a CUSTOMIZED ONGOING PRIVATE COACHING RELATIONSHIP to Support your Self-Evolution Long-Term!
Once you have finished these programs or one of the longer-term groups, you qualify to continue as an ongoing private client with a timeline to fit your needs and budget. You and Shawn will negotiate the average number of sessions per month/year, and charges will be prorated accordingly based on this same with 6, 12, or 18-session rates, with a new agreement to specify your customized terms. The agreed-upon coaching package and fees will repeat with automatic withdrawals until such time as you provide notice of your wish to stop. NOTE: You agree to provide notice BEFORE your final payment if you wish to stop or renegotiate your ongoing repeating customized agreement, and to attend at least one wrap-up session.

Sustainers' Bonus
BONUS: Those how continue on with Shawn in the onoing coaching via the 6, 12, or 18-month repeating packages (with the option to quit any time a package ends) receieve a Virtual or In-Person VIP Half-Day Individual Retreat at Light Landing (or Virtual) with targeted Manifestaion Mentoring, Lunch, and an Aligned Action Life-you-Love Plan with follow-up touch points at each one-year anniversary of ongoing private coaching (there is also an option to spread your half day retreat across two days via a discounted stay at Light Landing).