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“Radical Relationship Relief” Bootcamp
RRR Group Intensive Agreement
Congratulations! Becoming a member of the Radical Relationship Relief Bootcamp is an incredibly valuable source of support and personal evolution.
By providing your credit card information, you are agreeing to the terms of this agreement.
This Radical Relationship Relief Bootcamp Group Intensive Program (RRR Bootcamp) Agreement is made between Shawn Mahshie, Symmetry of Happiness (SOH), and the undersigned client, (“You.”) and you hereby agree to the following:
- You are entering into the RRR Bootcamp whereby Shawn Mahshie of SOH, will personally provide 8 modules of group and 1-on-1 coaching, mentoring, and facilitation to you. You will receive special access to one 1-Hour Ultimate Freedom Formula Private Call, one 20 minute Laser Coaching follow-up with Shawn, , Applicable Content for 6 Keys to Dependable Peace and Delicious Connection Modules, Optional Accountability & Hands-On Partner Practice [participants are expected to partner during at least one out of the 4 quarters], Timely Support/Mentoring through our online discussion forum, where you get exponential shift through member interaction and support.
- OPTIONAL BONUSES: RRR Bootcamp Members receive a 20% discount on additional private sessions, VIP days, and individual or group retreats for 6 months after the Bootcamp; Manifesting with Moon Cycles program by Marina Ormes; 30 minute Stress Breakthrough Session Josea Tamira Crossley. And completion of this group qualifies you to be in and get 10% off membership in The Symmetry of Self-Love: A Platinum Mastermind and Mentoring Experience.
- COMMITMENT TO SELF, GROUP, and SOH: You understand and agree that by becoming a member of the RRR Bootcamp, you have access to the above highly valuable services, and commit to participating in full in this life-changing opportunity for which you have agreed to pay for 3 installments for the mentoring and comprehensive support offered by Shawn Mahshie for the RRR Bootcamp Group Intensive. Your installment plan is 3 installments of $133.00 every 3 weeks, starting once your submit your credit card information. Should you fail to remit any of the required payments on time, and have not corrected the situation in a prompt manner, SOH may terminate further services, and you will be responsible for the remaining balance of the RRR Bootcamp.
- COPYRIGHT: We are very excited about you sharing celebrations or testimonials to pass news of the work along regularly, and hope you will be supporting this movement to ‘eradicate fear’ by encouraging others to connect with Shawn or consider joining this group or other programs to REAL-ize the dependable peace and delicious connection created via warm “Self-Solidarity.” At the same time, you acknowledge and understand that the methods, processes and strategies taught in your RRR Bootcamp constitute Shawn Mahshie’s proprietary system and for which we claim copyright protection, and that we will also be teaching and using The Work of Byron Katie or variations on it. Mahshie has spent considerable time and effort in developing her interpretations and ways of presenting these systems, which includes all materials associated with the RRR Bootcamp, all coaching, mentoring, materials disseminated and strategies taught, and all associated facilitating and coaching.
- CONFIDENTIALITY: You agree to keep confidential all that is discussed within the confines of group meeting, FB forum, and partner work. You agree that Shawn Mahshie may publish her written or spoken responses to you and other members, and SOH agrees it will not publish your written, audio, or video communications without your express written permission. You agree that Shawn Mahshie may use your name in referring to the RRR Bootcamp for others considering the group who wish to know who part of it is already (unless you specifically request that your identity be kept private).
- DISCLAIMER AND GUARANTEE: While SOH is absolutely convinced that you will derive great benefits from your RRR Bootcamp and that you should become as successful in your internal and external transformation toward dependable peace and delicious connection via the Symmetry of Self-Love as you envision, we of course cannot represent or guarantee that you will attain a certain level of transformation as a result of your RRR Bootcamp. As with any evolutionary process, each individual’s success depends on many factors, including your personal motivation, time commitment, how effectively you implement the strategies taught, and your efficiency in following up on each phase. The cost of this Program is an investment in yourself and your internal experience of self, life, and others, and, as with any investment, there is both great potential for a great return on your investment, and a risk there is little or no return on this investment. We can guarantee, however that you will be exposed to and have the opportunity to partake of and learn a great deal of usable and translatable strategies, support, coaching, and mentoring that, when followed by others, have achieved life changing results via the radical new journey back to self-solidarity.
- AGREEMENT: By entering into this RRR Bootcamp Agreement, You agree to have read and understand the foregoing provisions and agree to be bound hereby. You agree that the credit card entered may be automatically charged $133 every 3 weeks for 3 installments. RRR Bootcamp is non-cancel-able and that payments are not refundable for any reason, regardless of attendance and level of participation.