
Living in Symmetry Ongoing Mastermind with One-year Minimum Terms & Conditions

Congratulations! Becoming a member of the Living in Symmetry Mastermind and Manifestation Mentorship (MMM) Group/Private Coaching Experience is an incredibly valuable source of support. By providing your credit card information, you are agreeing to the terms of this agreement.

The MMM Experience is a 12-Month Group/Private Coaching Program Agreement is made between Shawn Mahshie, Thrive this Time (TTT), and the undersigned client, (“You.”) and you hereby agree to the following:

OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU: You are entering into the 12-Month Living in Symmetry MMM program whereby Shawn Mahshie of TTT, will personally provide group and 1-on-1 coaching, mentoring, and facilitation to you over a 12-month period. Over the course of the year that you are in the program, Shawn will provide:

  • 2 Targeted online 90-minute Group call per Month,  
  • 3 Private 60-75 Minute Sessions with Shawn (includes Deep Real-Time Text Coaching Follow-Up or Follow-Up Call) 
  • Support Office Hours with Shawn’s Team or  an UN*Conditional Connection Coach,
  • Membership in Online Digital Coursework for Assignments and Extensive Resource Hub,
  • Membership in the LSMM  Secret FB Assignment and Discussion/Real-Time Support Forum
  • 2 Live or Virtual Deep Dive Implementation Day Targeted Hands-On Experience Coaching for Creating Action, Self Connection, Self-Care, and Extreme Clarity (One with your own Learning Level and one with the Whole LSMM)  

  • BONUS: Reflection & Direction Session to take stock of your progress and bring crystal clarity to your next steps
  • BONUS: 50% Off Retreat Registration Fee for Shawn’s 3-day Waterfront Retreat at Light Landing.
  • BONUS: No-Matter-What Milestones to sustain and celebrate your momentum (For NMW Level)
  • BONUS: Personalized Shortcut to Goals Template to stop your self-sabotage mechanisms in their tracks. (FOR AAA Level)


CERTIFICATION: This program includes the option to receive credit toward Certification in Shawn Mahshie’s Reliable Symmetry of Happiness Paradigm Shift Program: Specialty in Aligned Action Manifestation, for those who meet the attendance, partnering, and other requirements for that certification (certification requirements include attending 10 out of 12 group calls (and listening to/reporting on the group calls you missed), all private coaching calls except one Deep Shift and one follow-up, posting all assigned work on the discussion forum, partnering with another group member during each module, attending VIP Day and at least one retreat in the course of this year).

COMMITMENT TO SELF, GROUP, and TTT: You understand and agree that by becoming a member of the Aligned Action Adventure group, you have access to the above highly valuable services, and commit to participating in full in this life-changing opportunity, for which you have agreed to pay, for a 12 full months, for the program, mentoring, and comprehensive support offered by Shawn Mahshie. Your investment is $4997.00 payment if paid in full or $495.00/per month if paid in 12 monthly installments (Whichever cart you signed on under becomes the price for your contract), starting once you submit your credit card information (and monthly installments will paid via automatic withdrawal on the first of the remaining 11 months unless you arrange with TTT to have a another withdrawal date). You are responsible for scheduling your 1-on-1 calls unless otherwise negotiated with TTT, and rescheduling if you have to cancel.  All calls need to be scheduled in advance of your final month, with up to one call being carried over into the final month, as well as having your Bonus Reflection and Direction Session during the first two weeks of the final month. (NOTE: If you chose to sign on for the monthly pay level and then want to switch to annual pay for extra savings, you have one month to make that decision.) Full pay is due at the time of signing (Unless other arrangements are made in writing with Shawn; Monthly pay requires a $497 non-refundable deposit with Monthly payments beginning on the 1st of each month. 

Private Manifestation Mentoring/Coaching calls:  Participants are scheduled for session with Shawn periodically on the calendar by our staff or via online scheduler.  PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for showing up for your calls in a timely manner. If you need to cancel, you are simply encouraged to reschedule as soon as possible, preferably within the next week. Sessions can sometimes be used in more close succession for crises (or you can add extra private sessions at a discount).  We encourage you to be present LIVE on the group calls as often as possible (rather than relying on recordings).  And if you do miss a call, please listen to the replay.

COPYRIGHT: We are very excited about you sharing celebrations or testimonials to pass news of the work along regularly, and hope you will be supporting this movement to ‘eradicate fear’ by encouraging others to connect with Shawn or consider joining this group or other programs to realize the dependable peace and delicious connection created via warm “Self-Solidarity.” At the same time, you acknowledge and understand that the methods, processes and strategies taught in your group/private Coaching Program constitute Shawn Mahshie’s proprietary system and for which we claim copyright protection, and that we will also be teaching and using The Work of Byron Katie or variations on it. Mahshie has spent considerable time and effort in developing her interpretations and ways of presenting these systems, which includes all materials associated with the Client Coaching Program, all coaching, mentoring, materials disseminated and strategies taught, and all associated facilitating and coaching.

CONFIDENTIALITY: You agree to keep confidential all that is discussed within the confines of group meeting, FB forum, and partner work. You agree that Shawn Mahshie may publish her written or spoken responses to you and other members, and SOH agrees it will not publish your written, audio, or video communications without your express written permission. You agree that Shawn Mahshie may use your name in referring to the Mastermind for others considering the group who wish to know who part of it is already (unless you specifically request that your identity be kept private).

DISCLAIMER AND GUARANTEE: While SOH is absolutely convinced that you will derive great benefits from your MMM program and that you should become as successful in your internal and external transformation toward dependable peace and delicious connection via the Symmetry of Self-Love as you envision, we of course cannot represent or guarantee that you will attain a certain level of transformation as a result of your Coaching Program. As with any evolutionary process, each individual’s success depends on many factors, including your personal motivation, time commitment, how effectively you implement the strategies taught, and your efficiency in following up on each phase. The cost of this Program is an investment in yourself and your internal experience of self, life, and others, and, as with any investment, there is both great potential for a great return on your investment, and a risk there is little or no return on this investment. We can guarantee, however that you will be exposed to and have the opportunity to partake of and learn a great deal of usable and translatable strategies, support, coaching, and mentoring that, when followed by others, have achieved life changing results via the radical new journey back to self-solidarity.

LIABILITY:  You agree to not hold Shawn Mahshie, her businesses, family, team members, helpers, fellow group participants, or others with whom Shawn is affiliated responsible for any injuries to you while on the property or as a participant in this program, beyond what her current liability insurance agrees to cover; or for any actions, results, or outcomes to yourself or others as a result of choices you make based on your contact with Shawn, TTT, or her team or written materials/online, phone, or text interactions or during in-person visits to Light Landing.   These sessions are not therapy, and anything that is said by Shawn, peers in groups or retreats, or others tangentially related to this program or the content herein is not considered to be advice to you in a professional advising or therapeutic capacity. Shawn is here to facilitate your own discovery and is not purporting to advise or guide actions taken by clients or retreat participants, and is not liable for actions you choose to take as a result or their consequences.

AGREEMENT: By entering into this Agreement, You agree to have read and understand the foregoing provisions and agree to be bound hereby. You agree that by having provided your CC information to Shawn Mahshie (with special request that details not be added to this form), you are authorizing automatic withdrawal via that card for non-refundable and non-cancelable (unless otherwise negotiated with Shawn) payment in the amount on the form. 


This agreement shall be signed by Shawn Mahshie and by participant.




____________________________                                                     ____________________________

SHAWN MAHSHIE                                                                                   Your Name