Why is it that in this season, we give ourselves permission to be the people we wish we were all the time?
We have Hope for the year ahead.
We grant ourselves Clarity of Mind.
We believe Prosperity is possible.
But when the new year arrives, will you still be committed to this version of who you are and what you stand for? What would it take to stay in this grace of the season for the entire year?
I call this commitment—this way of being in the world—Self-Solidarity.
And I’d like to share its importance with you.
Self-Solidarity is based in self-love and self-forgiveness. It means we stand WITH, BY, and FOR OURSELVES, no matter what. Which also does not mean standing against others. We hold the littlest parts of ourselves IN LOVE. We find our own innocence, even when no one else does. No matter what.
Self-Solidarity allows us to THRIVE UN*CONDITIONALLY, this time, no matter what is happening, or has happened in the past.
Self-Solidarity means we do not wish for change—or wish for ourselves, or this moment to be different. We realize we ARE CHANGE in each moment. Exactly as we are. Life showing up in all its glory and messiness. Even when we think we cannot handle it.
These are some of the pieces of Self-Solidarity I now live daily, after decades of criticizing and abandoning myself. With these convictions, you, too, can move forward in peace, and with hope.
Not hope for specific outcomes, but the kind of hope that trusts all outcomes to make sense—and to be LOVE incarnate—on a level our minds simply cannot comprehend.
Look for tomorrow’s email for clear examples of how staying in Self-Solidarity can make a big difference for you and others this season.
🙂 Shawn “Finally Self-Solid” Mahshie