Radical Relationship Relief Retreat
Fall Waterfront Retreat 2018
Let Yourself Fall into Dependable Peace and Inherent Safety this Fall!
November 1 to 4, 2018

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In what ways do you see others (or life events) as the enemy—with the ability to hurt you?
After all your inner work, where do you STILL find your peace is dependent on others’ reactions to you?
Do you try to believe that “all is well,” while still not trusting the “reliable symmetry” held in the very thing that upsets you?
This lovely Chesapeake retreat provides a fun, intimate venue for both beginners and veterans of The work to truly trust the “happy symmetry” and the ‘no-matter-what’ peace and freedom held in our painful reactions to the people and circumstances that seem to go against our efforts to prosperously live our dream.
Overcome the isolation of this ‘Entrepreneur Epidemic’ and spend time building camaraderie as well as affiliate and joint venture partnerships with others who are dealing with the very same issues.
Learn what to DO with the triggers to flip them into just the prosperous lessons you were seeking. Then pursuing your dream becomes the perfect ‘spiritual grad school,’ where you start to receive all the support that was waiting for you all along.
Inquire deeply about the people and situations you THOUGHT were stealing your freedom and peace, and Find:
- The amazing gifts, reflections, and ‘instructions’ they hold for your own reliable peace/safety.
- How you really don’t need–or even want– things to be other than what they are!
- That you have a sweet and sacred connection to who- and whatever is pushing your buttons and complete freedom of choice.
- That you can find and love your own innocent self, even after seeing where your need to control has caused pain for yourself and others.
In addition to newcomers and old timers in TW sharing the rich inquiries and exercises planned for this sacred time, you’ll have time to recline on one of our delicious chairs, swings or hammocks; paddle around on small watercraft; do yoga or meditation on the pier, enjoy an outdoor fire pit, or swim in the Chesapeake Bay (then jump in our hot tub to take off the Spring chill or gaze at some stars!)
quick facts
LOCATION: Light Landing, Deale, MD
START: Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
END: Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.
PRICE: Based on registration date and accommodation (scroll down to see more)

Here’s a look at a past Retreat (our first, actually!)
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I cherish the opportunity to host you here and look forward to the collective gifts we receive when together we ask to be shown what life looks like when our stories of what ‘should be’ drop away, and we experience the limitless prosperity that is already here.
I’m happy for you to call, text, or email me to make sure this is a good fit for you or to discuss questions retreats@shawnmahshie.com /1-301-785-0545 (email to arrange Skype call).

THE AMAZING PRICE INCLUDES THE FULL PROGRAM, AVAILABLE LIGHT LANDING AMENITIES AND RECREATION, FOLLOW-UP CONVERSATION AND GROUP CALL, AND ALL 7 YUMMY MEALS!!! We let you book your accommodation separately from our wide variety of lovely spots so you can customize the retreat to your price range and room preference (Click here to check the accommodations or scroll below to book).
In addition to Shawn’s highly innovative and transformative retreat program and activities, registration fee includes seasonal use of all property and waterfront amenities (Pier, kayaks, swings, serenity, sun, shade, hammock, huge screened porch, comfy lawn chairs, swimming, hot tub [only if it is fixed by then], reading, materials, tons of Byron Katie’s videos, audios, and books, nearby wooded lane and ‘bay walk,’ loving supportive camaraderie, space for yoga!)
STEP I. Register for the Retreat
Please call or email me directly if you need to make special arrangements around payment at retreats@shawnmahshie.com or 1 (301) 785-0545.

money-back guarantee
I now have a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if You Don’t Experience a Shift in your perspective at this Retreat!
So far, retreat participants report having a wonderful experience and lasting changes! I stand behind the warm connection and deep self-inquiry that takes place here via The Reliable Symmetry of Happiness and The Work, and will return your program fee if you don’t get your shift! See TERMS and CONDITIONS at the bottom of registration page for details.
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Choose from a variety of comfy, charming, onsite accommodations (from Camping to our ‘Honeymoon Suite’!)
This retreat is sold out...Join the wait list by clicking the button.
a happy customer
This past Fall I attended Shawn’s 3-day riverside healing retreat putting The Work to work, where we dove headfirst into a sublime, lovely, intense, compassionate, and deep entry/ reentry into ourselves. We were held in expert arms, safe to delve and explore realms usually held at bay and inaccessible. I experienced in myself and witnessed in others profound heart-opening shifts.
I came away from that weekend in a very different place in myself. It gave me the opportunity to let go of what I had been holding onto so tightly around a very scary topic/theme of my life. I experienced healing and changes that have continued to inform my life and my decisions.
It is said that what we all want above all things are Love and Freedom. I advocate highly for Shawn’s ability to help guide you HOME to both!
Her Commitment, Love and Skill, her Patience and Guidance, and especially her Courage are all for YOU and in service to YOUR HEALING. I love her and her work! If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get to it, this is the place and Shawn is the person!
I hope to see you at her next retreat!
– Dr. Dale Korangy; Acupuncturist, Painter, Mother of 3, & Grandmother
about light landing
Named by TRAVEL + LEISURE MAGAZINE as Maryland’s “Most-Wished-For” AIRBNB, Light Landing comprises an amazing little cadre of vacation rentals with spectacular views and casual, tasteful ambiance in an open, country-like waterfront setting (when not in use as a retreat center). Click below to see more photos of your retreat venue–where you can also host your OWN intimate retreat at this special spot on the Chesapeake Bay–or book a fun family vacation or rejuvenating waterfront get-away.
“The Symmetry of Self-Solidarity is the idea that at the same time you are undoing so much of the ego’s story and dismantling your old self, you begin to meet and fall completely in love with the most tender part of you that is still holding on to the thinking (and thus innocently creating what remains of your suffering.
In this reconciliation, you become who you really are: the unconditional forgiveness, warm understanding, and unfailing self-solidarity and self-advocacy that cannot come from ANYONE or ANYTHING outside you (and or in finding that inner connection, you also connect to EVERYTHING outside you). You and the small scared parts of yourself will begin to experience a sacred and absolute belonging to each other that allows you to look forward to whatever life brings!
Whatever you have experienced of this, it is just the tip of the iceberg. If you continue, this sweet self-solidarity will become the mainstay of your existence and your mainline to what is beyond existence. Together we will face the fear of worse-case scenarios where external events are concerned—and discover that the cost of failing to support, beating up, and so quickly ‘leaving’ our most innocent, well-meaning selves is worse–for ourselves, others, and the planet–than ANY other consequence we fear.” Shawn

About Shawn
Shawn Neal Mahshie’s life work has facilitated critical shifts in perspective for individuals and couples, groups, schools, and even governments addressing stubborn long-term issues. Her own rich experience emerging happily from severe co-dependence, chronic illness and pain, divorce, and food addiction–largely via her years of training under Byron Katie–means she is known among her clients for facilitating on a deep and fearless level, with much warmth and compassion. Quick to make connections and spot her own stories as well as those of her clients, she supports herself and others in:
- Peace-full Happy Relationships with Self and Others;
- Flourishing Work/Small Business/Spiritual Life; &
- Reliably Thriving in the Face of Adversity.
A Trained Facilitator of The Work, Paradigm Shift Coach, and Published Author/Advocate, Shawn’s latest book, The Reliable Symmetry of Happiness: The ‘Missing Peace’ We Were Never Taught, is forthcoming. She currently gives workshops, teleseminars, and retreats, and works individually with clients from around the world via Phone and Skype (and on the Byron Katie International Helpline)–as well as in-person at Light Landing, her Peaceful Waterfront Retreat on the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis & Washington, D C. Learn more or contact her here.
"There is deep integrity, Shawn, in what you share… It’s palpable and permeates your words and actions. Your willingness to be both visible and vulnerable is a continual testimony of your dedication to ‘walk your talk.’ I also really appreciate your sense of humor that reads as kindness…such a kind heart you have. So beautiful is The Work that you share. Thanks so much…I value your stand and your commitment to truth, beauty and true care for us all…it’s a treasure."
- Donna Drozda