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Tired of beating yourself up? Want to truly end REGRET HELL?

Get Hold of lasting Inner freedom now with your copy of The Spark of Self-Love eBook and Bonuses!

Put the Spark of Self Love to Work in your Life - Special Offer

EBook, Worksheet, Video, and Private Support Consult: Total $239 Value

This Whole SELF-SOLIDARITY Package is Only $17 NOW for those who download the Wheel of Self-Love.


Your Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.

Experience the Change in Yourself

Would you like to wake up every day with self-compassion and clear action, instead of being stuck on that hamster wheel of guilt, regret, self-doubt. Do you beat yourself up for what you said or did after every meeting or every date… or about choices you made 2 minutes or 20 years ago?  I did–it was Hell

Freedom from self-loathing was the biggest miracle of my life, so of course I want to share it. My own story in this 30-page Spark of Self-Love Ebook will guide you step-by-step through how to find deep  compassion for yourself and – how it is that you can’t “DO IT WRONG” –  and how to see even your worst-case outcomes as a gift.

You will finally begin to KEEP YOUR OWN COUNSEL, and begin to grow a sense of unshakable internal and external safety that I call SELF-SOLIDARITY. It’s a whole new way to be with yourself and life.

Shawn Mahshie

Spark of Self-Love sneak peek

Your $17 EBook Purchase
Includes a Video Training and Worksheet,
PLUS a Self-Solidarity Session with Shawn ($239 total value)

"The vivid examples in this short, clear book really brought the Wheel of Self-Love to life for me.  Because the illustrations and Shawn's explanations go deeply into each step, it began to feel like common senses, so I was able to use the steps the very next time I started to beat myself up about a choice. Now I know I don't have to stay stuck"

Quote from a Mom who had been lost in regret over
parenting choices, and low self-esteem at work.

Don’t Leave yourself in REGRET HELL…..   Be sure you EXPERIENCE this simple, reliable tool, so you can begin to


This tool is so effective that you can get an immediate shift in perspective and emotional charge as you walk through this 20-minute video.  

Self-Solidarity is on its Way.

Witnessing Shawn’s own struggles with regret will help you understand and want to truly transcend the cost of engaging in guilt or regret of your past actions, whether they were 2 minutes or 2 years ago.

Her own story of what it really means to find the Spark of Self-Love behind all your actions–whether for yourself or another–will guide you step-by-step through how to find:

  1. Compassion and unconditional support for yourself
  2. A sense of NO-MATTER-WHAT self-advocacy and safety within yourself and with others
  3. A simple strategy for staying in your own court and keeping your own counsel.

Finally… a simple foolproof way to forgive yourself, debunk your fear, and give yourself what you thought you needed from others… So you can trust yourself and decisions, and move into a life that works for you!

Come join thousands who have learned these simple spiritual bee-lines to peace

As you embrace Shawn's "Reliable Symmetry of Happiness" paradigm shift, you'll have the option of going more deeply into The Work of Byron Katie.

Realize you no longer need to hurt so much or for so long, and finally discover how to use what upsets you to find greater joy, and love without conditions.

Learn the secrets to create a dependable kind of peace and enjoy the freedom and warm relationships with yourself, others, and life that you so richly deserve.

What You're Going to Get


Spark of Self-Love eBook

Wheel of Self-Love Video Training

Malinda Zarate Interview with Shawn

Wheel of Self-Love Worksheet Tool

Total Price

Your Investment Today

This Incredible Package Puts the 4 Big Shifts of the WOSL to Work in Your Life

How to find your own innocence

How to quickly turn around regret

Create confidence, end chronic indecision

How to find what you need to be happy.

Learn the secrets of creating a dependable inner peace

Enjoy freedom and a warm relationship with yourself, with others and with life – the warm relationships that you so richly deserve. Come join thousands who have learned these simple spiritual paths to peace from Shawn, as you embrace her “Reliable Symmetry of Happiness” paradigm shift.


"You are beyond an inspiration, Shawn…You are a great wise compassionate guide."
Sara Nason
Documentary Filmmaker, UK
I’m in. I’ve drunk the ‘Reliable Symmetry of Happiness Kool-Aid’. I want to immerse myself in it, become a skilled practitioner of it in my own mind and life, and pass it on to everyone I reach through ‘Bright Line Eating’ to address the monkey mind that erupts when the crutch of food is no longer a go-to option”.
Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D.
Neuroscientist, CEO Bright Line Eating Support, Rochester NY
"Thank you for doing this.... It’s clear that you are masterful with ‘The Work’ from all the feedback I’ve heard from multiple people now and I think your work could benefit everyone, and I don’t say that about many things. I think ‘The Work’ is … well, it’s phenomenal; it’s absolutely transformative. It doesn’t matter how enlightened you already are, you can go further with ‘The Work’. It can produce profound breakthroughs that you might not find any other way. It gets at stuff that we can very effectively avoid in the rest of our lives. The stuff we are conveniently avoiding—’The Work’ will get at it. So Yeah, I highly recommend that folks sign on with you”.
Ryan Eliason
Internationally known marketing coach and author, The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network, Eugene Oregon
"Can’t thank you enough. You’re helping me far more in a few sessions than all my years of counseling."
Spark of Self-Love Purchaser
"There is deep integrity, Shawn, in what you share … . It’s palpable and permeates your words and actions. Your willingness to be both visible and vulnerable is a continual testimony of your dedication to ‘walk your talk’. I also really appreciate your sense of humor that reads as kindness … such a kind heart ❤ you have. So beautiful is ‘The Work’ that you share. Thanks so much … I value your stand and your commitment to truth, beauty and true care for us all … . It’s a treasure”.
Donna Drozda
Fine Artist, Virginia Beach, VA
"It is said that what we all want above all things are love and freedom. I advocate highly for Shawn’s ability to help guide you HOME to both! Her commitment, love and skill, her patience and guidance, and especially her courage are all for YOU and in service to YOUR HEALING. I love her and her work! If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, and get to it, this is the place and Shawn is the person! I hope to see you at her next event!”
Dr. Dale Korangy
Acupuncturist, Mother, Grandmother

My Name is Shawn Mahshie

15 years ago, my life crashed.

I was a successful author, speaker, and managing editor at a well-known university. I was married with a child and a beautiful waterfront house. Things looked good on the outside, but on the inside, I was not truly happy.

I was caught in anxiety, self-doubt, and debilitating co-dependence in my marriage and work.

I was having a big impact in my field on a national and global level, but I wasn’t thriving in my mind and heart, which made peace, good health and deep connections to others almost impossible.

First I lost my health, and then as a consequence, my successful career, international speaking engagements, and my 3rd book deal, a high-impact book that was close to being published.

Within 9 months my marriage had also ended – which became the catalyst for a major shift in my life.

After years of seeking physical, emotional, and spiritual cures, I finally saw that a simple way of questioning my thinking, rooted in The Work of Byron Katie, began a shift inside me that changed me forever.

I discovered a ‘thing’ that I could depend on like nothing before in my life. I started calling that internal paradigm “The Reliable Symmetry of Happiness” as it had brought me the ability to USE whatever was scaring, upsetting, or angering me to bring me to a dependable peace and happiness.

After training at the ‘graduate level’ in my heart, mind, and body, I spent 20 years researching and developing a wellness of mind  community that would help people change their habits and live the healthy, free, loving lives that are our birth right. Even after spending 6 years becoming certified in The Work and 8 years serving clients, I had not completely overcome my habit of beating myself up, until developing the 3 simple steps in the Wheel of Self Love™ that eliminated regret and guilt from my life and led me to the state I call Self Solidarity™.

Now, I teach you – the enlightened seeker, entrepreneur, or just human in pain – to thrive and grow this radical and unshakeable kind of self-love, through which you will experience unconditional prosperity in your relationships and life.

Now knowing that others – in fact, the whole world – should not wait so long to get this missing PEACE, I embarked on a mission to show people just how quickly and radically their lives could change. I had met many people who had been on long spiritual journeys, who had not arrived at this place where they could thrive in their minds and relationships and succeed at whatever they tried without self-sabotage. I am thrilled to have the tools to help us all release fear, blame and competition in time to save our planet together.

It’s completely possible to free yourself from the areas where you still struggle to grow a life and relationships that thrive–no matter what. I’m passionate about growing a dependable sense of peace until it becomes common knowledge for us all – to thrive, to grow warm connection to self, others, and life — using the VERY THINGS THAT UPSET US.

I’d like to show you how to lastingly turn around your most painful perceptions to attract all you want and need into your life now. Let’s get started building your dependable peace and delightful connections together!

Go Deeper... FIND YOUR OWN Spark of Self Love!

Don't Let Yourself Stay in the Hell of Self-Criticism Just because Someone Else Is Angry or Things didn't Go the Way you Planned!

Discover how to find your own dependable peace

Meet all of life's situations with equanimity

Learn how to support your most trusting self

Stop beating yourself and have much more fun

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