
Join me for a FREE Webinar:

Anxiety Free.. Whether Or Not Your Situation Changes

Doesn’t that sound satisfying?

“Anxiety Free.. Whether Or Not Your Situation Changes ”

Learn the natural law that you can tap into at any time, that functions automatically and consistently to produce a predictable avenue for transforming your suffering.

Experience the shift of a lifetime.

In this comprehensive training, Shawn Mahshie introduces you to the Radical Relationship Relief Blueprint that is changing so many lives. You'll see how it is possible to happily capitalize on intensely private and often harsh self-doubt, regret, defensiveness, fear, and even depression that can be used to transform any anxiety.

Life will never look the same again.

See for yourself that emotional pain is an inside job, that we never have to suffer so long under the weight of our thinking…

Start experiencing tangible sustainable changes around your most painful or stuck issues. Watch yourself living the life you want.

For many of us, our painful thoughts and reactions to the people and circumstances in our lives have driven us to the intense emotions, unwanted reactions to those we love, and addictions like food. No more! Shawn Mahshie will teach you to use those very triggers as stepping stones to a peace and freedom that you have never experienced before. And this process is RELIABLE, and available to you EVERY TIME your mind tries to trip you up. The resulting paradigm shift will be a keystone to the FREEDOM in your journey…living life happy, thin and Free. See you there!
dr. susan peirce thompson
Best selling author of Bright Line Eating:
The Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free


When you register, you'll receive a special experiential video training on the radically helpful "Wheel of Self-Love: 3 Simple Steps to Transform Regret, Self-Doubt, and Indecision into Radical Self-Love, Confidence, and Prosperity."

Register Now

Sign up for the webinar by clicking the button below.

What is Radical Relationship Relief?

Do you believe that relationships are just something to be tolerated, in which you can only do what you can to minimize the pain, or find a way through without pissing people off?

What if it doesn’t have to be that way?

What if you could find a way to clear up hell-on-earth and find yourself in heaven—in love with the one in front of you no matter how they are showing up, and most of all with yourself?

​Reliably. ​

With no exceptions.

What if EVERY SINGLE TIME someone or something seems to bring you pain, the painful parts can turn into far more than 'blissed out' meditative states or truly connected moments?

This webinar begins a shift of a lifetime, where you know HOW to capitalize on these painful states as 'kind teachers' that reliably lead you to HUMOR, CURIOSITY, GRATITUDE, and LOVE for the people and situations that most upset, scare, or sadden you.

Things can be so much better, easier, funnier, happier, closer, and more amazing than you realized.

About Shawn Mahshie

Shawn Mahshie’s life work has facilitated critical shifts in perspective for individuals and couples, groups, schools, and even governments addressing stubborn long-term issues. Quick to make connections and spot her own stories as well as those of her clients, she supports herself and others in:

  • Peace-full Happy Relationships with Self and Others
  • Flourishing Work / Family / Spiritual Life
  • Reliably Thriving in the Face of Adversity
  • Creating Happy, Life-altering Breakthroughs

Shawn is also a Trained Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, author of The Spark of Self-Love and other eBooks, as well as the developer of Happiness Hacks: The Science of Taking Life as it Comes.

shawn mahshie

Get ready to experience...

  • Instant shifts toward dependable peace and delicious connection
  • An introduction of how to USE whatever scares, angers, or saddens you to set yourself free
  • The opportunity to connect with Shawn and an amazing group of spiritually-astute individuals who are highly committed to turning around anger, anxiety, and alienation in their lives!

"There is deep integrity, Shawn, in what you share …It’s palpable and permeates your words and actions. Your willingness to be both visible and vulnerable is a continual testimony of your dedication to ‘walk your talk’. I also really appreciate your sense of humor that reads as kindness…such a kind heart you have. So beautiful is ‘The Work’ that you share. Thanks so much…I value your stand and your commitment to truth, beauty and true care for us all…It’s a treasure."
- Donna drozda, fine artist

Explore this Life-Altering Opportunity

This webinar is a pre-requisite to joining Shawn's Radical Relationship Relief Bootcamp and "Deep-Dive" Symmetry of Self-Love Mastermind and Mentoring Experience.

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